Use the lssra command to check both secure remote assistance status and the time of the last login.
This command displays both secure remote assistance status and the time of the last login.
Attribute | Description |
status | Indicates whether the support assistance is enabled or not enabled (default). |
token_age_in_days | Displays the number of days that the current token exists. |
active_monitor_user_count | Displays the number of support assistance monitor users that are logged in to this system. |
monitor_user_last_login | Displays the time of the last monitor user login in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS. The default is blank. |
active_privileged_user_count | Displays the number of secure remote access privileged users that are currently logged on. |
privileged_user_last_login | Displays the date and time of the last support assistance privileged user login on the system in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS. The default is blank. |
remote_support_test_status | Indicates the remote system support service state when it was last
tested. The values are:
This value is the maximum state that is reached on the configuration node, in increasing order from disconnected through to failure. |
remote_support_test_time | Indicates the time stamp of the last remote system support test. The value must be in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS. |
remote_support_config_changed_after_test | Indicates that a support center was added since the system was last tested. The values are yes or no (default). |
remote_support_enabled | Indicates whether remote support is enabled. The values are yes or no (default). |
remote_support_status | Indicates the remote support service status or state. If you do not
enable remote support the status is disconnected. The values are:
This value is the maximum state across all online nodes, in increasing order from disconnected through to failure. |
remote_support_enabled_time | Indicates the time stamp for the last successful creation of a secure tunnel by a remote support service. The value must be in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS. |
remote_support_idletimeout | Indicates the idle timeout value. The value must be a number (non-negative), and the default value is 0. |
remote_support_center_id | Indicates the support center ID (specified by using lssystemsupportcenterthat is used to establish the secure tunnel. The value must be a number 0 -11, and the default is blank. |
The detailed resulting output:
status enabled
active_monitor_user_count 0
active_privileged_user_count 0
token_age_in_days 7
remote_support_test_status connected
remote_support_test_time 161123183137
remote_support_config_changed_after_test no
remote_support_enabled no
remote_support_status disconnected
remote_support_idletimeout 0
The detailed resulting output:
status enabled
active_monitor_user_count 0
active_privileged_user_count 1
privileged_user_last_login 161123204006
token_age_in_days 30
remote_support_test_status connected
remote_support_test_time 1611231530220
remote_support_config_changed_after_test no
remote_support_enabled yes
remote_support_status active
remote_support_enabled_time 161123183137
remote_support_idletimeout 0
remote_support_center_id 0