
Use the mkemailuser command to add a recipient of email event and inventory notifications to the email event notification facility. Add up to twelve recipients (one recipient at a time).


mkemailuser [ -nameuser_name ] -addressuser_address -usertype { support | local } [ -error { on | off } ] [ -warning { on | off } ] [ -info { on | off } ] [ -inventory { on | off } ]


(Optional) Specifies the name of the person who is the recipient of email event notifications. The user_name value must be unique, must not contain spaces, and must not contain only numbers. If you do not specify a user name, the system automatically assigns a user name in the format of emailusern, where n is a number beginning with 0 (emailuser0, emailuser1, and so on).
The name emailusern, where n is a number, is reserved and cannot be used as one of your user names.
(Required) Specifies the email address of the person receiving the email event or inventory notifications, or both. The user_address value must be unique.
-usertypesupport| local
(Required) Specifies the type of user, either local or support, based on the following guidelines:
The recipient is your product support organization, using a default value (an auto-populated email address). This setting is used with the Call Home feature. For any other use case, contact your product support organization for direction.
All other recipients other than your product support organization. Select the local usertype unless otherwise instructed by your product support organization.
(Optional) Specifies whether the recipient receives error-type event notifications. Set to on, error-type event notifications are sent to the email recipient. Set to off, error-type event notifications are not sent to the recipient. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies whether the recipient receives warning-type event notifications. Set to on, warning-type event notifications are sent to the email recipient. Set to off, warning-type event notifications are not sent to the recipient. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies whether the recipient receives informational event notifications. Set to on, informational event notifications are sent to the email recipient. Set to off, informational event notifications are not sent to the recipient. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies whether this recipient receives inventory email notifications. The default value is off.


This command adds email recipients to the email event and inventory notification facility. You can add up to twelve recipients, one recipient at a time. When an email user is added, if a user name is not specified, a default name is allocated by the system. This default name has the form of emailuser1, emailuser2, and so on. Email notification starts when you process the startemail command.

Note: Before you can set the usertype parameter to support, turn the -warning and -info flags off.
Remember: When considering e-mail addresses:
  • Alphanumeric characters and additionally underscore (_), at symbol (@), and dot (.) characters are permitted.
  • There must be exactly one @ character in the string, and the @ characters must not start or end the string.
  • A plus (+) character is permitted before the @ character.
For syslog servers, SNMP servers, and email users with type set to local, the valid combinations of notification types are:
  • error, warning, and info
  • error and warning

An invocation example

mkemailuser -address -error on -usertype local

The resulting output:

email user, id [2], successfully created

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