
Use the chsnmpserver command to modify the parameters of an existing SNMP server.


chsnmpserver [ -nameserver_name ] [ -ipip_address ] [ -communitycommunity ] [ -error { on | off } ] [ -warning { on | off } ] [ -info { on | off } ] [ -portport ] { snmp_server_name | snmp_server_id }


(Optional) Specifies a name to assign to the SNMP server. The name must be unique. When specifying a server name, snmp is a reserved word.
(Optional) Specifies an IP address to assign to the SNMP server. This must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
(Optional) Specifies the community name for the SNMP server.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives error notifications. Set to on, error notifications are sent to the SNMP server. Set to off, error notifications are not sent to the SNMP server.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives warning notifications. Set to on, warning notifications are sent to the SNMP server. Set to off, warning notifications are not sent to the SNMP server.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives information notifications. Set to on, information notifications are sent to the SNMP server. Set to off, information notifications are not sent to the SNMP server.
(Optional) Specifies the remote port number for the SNMP server. This must be a value of 1 - 65535.
snmp_server_name | snmp_server_id
(Required) Specifies the name or ID of the server to be modified.


Use this command to change the settings of an existing SNMP server. You must specify either the current name of the server or the ID returned at creation time. Use the lssnmpserver command to obtain this ID.

For syslog servers, SNMP servers, and email users with type set to local, the valid combinations of notification types are:
  • error, warning, and info
  • error and warning

An invocation example

chsnmpserver -name newserver 0

The resulting output:

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