
Use the lsportsas command to display the status of all SAS ports in the clustered system.


 lsportsas    [  -filtervalue attribute=value ]   [  -filtervalue?  ]   [  -nohdr  ]   [  -delim delimiter ]


-filtervalue attribute=value
(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are returned. If a capacity is specified, the units must also be included.
(Optional) Displays the valid filter attributes. The following filter attributes for the lsportsas command are valid:
  • node_id
  • status
  • attachment
  • type
(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed view. This parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
-delim delimiter
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum allowable width for each data item. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.


This command displays information about system port status.

This command output shows all available paths, which are defined by zoning, independent of their usage. This means that the command output includes paths that are not used because of port masking.

lsportsas output provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. lsportsas output
Attribute Description
id Indicates the line number within the displayed information (numeric string).
port_id Indicates the ID of the port.
Remember: Ports 1 - 4 are the SAS ports labelled in each control canister. Ports 1 - 3 are for SAS direct-to-host attachment and port 4 is for expansion attachment.
port_speed Indicates the speed of the I/O port (in XGb). This speed is the fastest local link speed for the SAS port. The value is the last-known port speed if the port is inactive, and N/A if port has is unused and was never active.
node_id Indicates the ID of the node that contains the port (numeric string).
node_name Indicates the name of the node that contains the port (alphanumeric string).
WWPN Indicates the worldwide port name (WWPN) for the I/O port (16-character hexadecimal string).
status Indicates the status of the port (numeric string). The values can be:
  • online if the port is functioning
  • offline if the port is not functioning
  • offline_unconfigured if not functioning but not configured by the user
  • degraded if one or more ports are not functioning or have a lower speed than others
  • excluded if excluded by the user or system
switch_WWPN Indicates the WWPN of the switch port if attached to switch (16-character hexadecimal string), or is blank. If the port is offline, the last-known value is displayed.
attachment Indicates what the port is attached to. The possible values are:
  • drive
  • controller
  • switch
  • host
  • enclosure
  • none
If the port is offline, the field shows what was attached when the port was last online.
type Indicates how the port is configured. This field also shows the devices that can be attached to the SAS port. The possible values are:
  • drive
  • enclosure
  • enclosure_controller
  • host_controller
  • none
adapter_location Displays the location of the adapter that contains the SAS port (any number in the range 0 - 6).
adapter_port_id Displays the location of the SAS port that is in the adapter (any number in the range 1 - 4).

An invocation example


The resulting output:

id port_id port_speed node_id node_name WWPN             status                switch_WWPN      attachment type             adapter_location  adapter_port_id
0  1       3Gb        1       node1     500507680140004A offline                                enclosure  enclosure        0                  1
1  2       6Gb        1       node1     500507680150004A online                5001234567892000 switch     host_controller  0                  2
4  1       3Gb        2       node2     50050768014051E5 online                                 host       host_controller  0                  3
5  2       3Gb        2       node2     50050768015051E5 offline_unconfigured                   none       none             0                  4       

An invocation example


The resulting output:

id port_id port_speed node_id node_name WWPN             status switch_WWPN      attachment type     adapter_location  adapter_port_id
0  1       12Gb       1       node1     50050768056C009E online 500507680600B63F enclosure  enclosure  0                  0
1  2       12Gb       1       node1     50050768056C009F online 500507680600B64F enclosure  enclosure  0                  1
2  0       12Gb       1       node1     50050768056C009G online 500507680600B65F enclosure  internal  0                  2
4  1       12Gb       2       node2     50050768056C009I online 500507680600B66F enclosure  enclosure  0                  3
5  2       12Gb       2       node2     50050768056C009J online 500507680600B67F enclosure  enclosure  0                  4
6  0       12Gb       2       node2     50050768056C009K online 500507680600B68F enclosure  internal  1                  1

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