
Use the lsiogrphost command to display a list of the hosts mapped to a specified I/O group.


 lsiogrphost    [  -nohdr  ] [  -delim  delimiter  ] {  iogrp_id  |  iogrp_name  }


(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a 1-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
iogrp_id | iogrp_name
(Required) The ID or name of the I/O group for which a list of all mapped hosts is required.


The lsiogrphost command displays a list of hosts that are mapped to a specified I/O group.

An invocation example

lsiogrphost -delim : 0

The resulting output:


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