
Use the lsenclosurebattery command to display information about the batteries. The batteries are located in the node canisters.


  lsenclosurebattery    [  -nohdr  ]   [  -filtervalue  attribute_value  ]   [  -filtervalue?  ]   [  -delim  delimiter  ]   [ [  -battery  battery_id  ]  enclosure_id  ]  


(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are returned. If a capacity is specified, the units must also be included.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards when you use the CLI:
  • The wildcard character is an asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard.
  • When you use a wildcard, you must enclose the filter entry within double quotation marks (""), as follows:
    lsenclosurebattery -filtervalue "battery_id=1"
(Optional) Displays a list of valid filter attributes for the -filtervalueattribute=value parameter:
  • battery_id
  • charging_status
  • enclosure_id
  • end_of_life_warning
  • percent_charged
  • recondition_needed
  • status
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum width of each item of data. A detailed view provides each item of data in its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a 1-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
 -battery  battery_id 
(Optional) Provides a detailed view of the specified battery. Valid only when an enclosure is specified.
(Optional) Lists the batteries for the specified enclosure.


This command displays information about the batteries, which are located in the node canisters. The concise view displays a line for each battery slot in every enclosure whether a battery exists for that slot or not. Batteries are not shown for expansion enclosures.
lsenclosurebattery outputs shows possible outputs.
Table 1. lsenclosurebattery outputs
Attribute Description
enclosure_id Identifies the identity of the enclosure that contains the battery.
battery_id Identifies the battery in the enclosure.
status Identifies the status of the battery:
  • online indicates that the battery is present and working as usual.
  • degraded indicates that the battery is present but not working as usual.
  • offline indicates that the battery cannot be detected.
percent_charged Indicates the charge of battery (in a percentage).
end_of_life_warning Identifies the battery's end of life (with a warning noise). The values are yes and no.
Important: Replace the battery.
FRU_part_number Identifies the FRU part number of the battery.
FRU_identity Identifies the 11S number, combining the manufacturing part number and the serial number.
firmware_level The version of the microcode image that is installed on the battery.
error_sequence_number Indicates the error log (or event log) number of the highest priority error for this object. This output field is typically blank. However, if there is a problem (for example, the status is degraded), then it contains the sequence number of that error event.
remaining_charge_capacity_mAh Identifies the battery's remaining charge capacity in milliampere-hour (mAh).
full_charge_capacity_mAh Identifies the fully charged capacity of the battery in mAh (this value diminishes as the battery ages).
compatibility_level Identifies the battery driver software must support this level to operate with this battery - this value comes from the battery vital product data (VPD).
last_recondition_timestamp Identifies a system timestamp, in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS, for when the last successful calibration of the gas gauge occurred, where:
  • Y is year
  • (The first) M is month
  • D is day
  • H is hour
  • (The second) M is minute
  • S is second
powered_on_hours Identifies the number of hours the battery is in a powered node (not necessarily the same node).
cycle_count Identifies the number of charge or discharge cycles that are performed on the battery.

A concise invocation example

lsenclosurebattery 1

The resulting output:

enclosure_id battery_id status charging_status recondition_needed percent_charged end_of_life_warning 
1            1          online idle            no                 100             no                  
1            2          online idle            no                 100             no 

A detailed invocation example

lsenclosurebattery -battery 1 1

The resulting output:

enclosure_id 1
battery_id 1
status online
charging_status idle
recondition_needed no
percent_charged 100
end_of_life_warning no
FRU_part_number 31P1807
FRU_identity 11S00AR085YM30BG42R04P
firmware_level 105:1
remaining_charge_capacity_mAh 3477
full_charge_capacity_mAh 3795
compatibility_level 1
last_recondition_timestamp 140528045617
powered_on_hours 1162
cycle_count 10

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