
Use the mksystemsupportcenter command to add a support center or proxy server to your remote support configuration.


 mksystemsupportcenter    [  -name  user_name  ]    -ip  ipv4_address     -port  port    [  -proxy  {  yes  |  no  } ]


(Optional) Specifies the unique name of the support center or proxy to be defined. If a center with that name is defined, the command fails. The value must be an alphanumeric string that:
  • Cannot start with the string default_support_center
  • Cannot start with a hyphen or number
  • Cannot begin or end with a space
  • Must be 1 - 64 characters long (using numbers, letters, spaces, periods, or an underscore)
Additionally, the names SupportCenter and Proxy cannot be used as shown. Do not specify these names unless you use all lower-case letters - for example, supportcenter or proxy.
Note: If you do not specify a name, a system default of supportservern is used, where n is the object index.
(Required) Specifies the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address for the support center or proxy server to add as a remote support center. The value must be a valid IPv4 address. For example, A.B.C.D where the value for A, B, C, and D is in the range 0 - 255.
(Required) Specifies the port number for the new connection. The value must be a number in the range 1 - 65535. The default value is 1025.
-proxyyes | no
(Optional) Specifies whether a target server is a proxy server (and not a support center). The values are yes or no.


This command creates a support center or proxy server to your remote support configuration. The maximum number of proxy servers that you can define is six.

If you configure a proxy server, remote support assistance is available only by using proxy server (which means that no direct connections are tried). If you configure multiple support centers (or proxies), the system cycles through each support center before it enables remote support assistance which means that it tries all support centers at least three times before it ends in failure state. Use the set of default support centers that are configured if needed.
Important: Unless your support team recommends it, do not configure any new support centers.
However, a proxy server can be configured if required.

An invocation example

mksystemsupportcenter -name test_frontend_server_1 -ip -port 1025

The resulting output:

Support Server id [0] successfully created 

An invocation example

mksystemsupportcenter -name customer_proxy_1 -ip -port 9999 -proxy yes

The resulting output:

Support Server id [1] successfully created 

An invocation example

mksystemsupportcenter -name customer_proxy_2 -ip -port 2222 -proxy yes

The resulting output:

Support Server id [2] successfully created 

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