
Use the mksyslogserver command to create a syslog server to receive notifications.


 mksyslogserver    [  -name  server_name  ]    -ip  ip_address  [  -facility  facility  ]   [  -error  {  on  |  off  } ]   [  -warning  {  on  |  off  } ]   [  -info  {  on  |  off  } ]   [  -cadf  {  on  |  off  } ]


(Optional) Specifies a unique name to assign to the syslog server. If a name is not specified, then a system default of syslogn is applied, where n is the ID of the server. When specifying a server name, syslog is a reserved word.
(Required) Specifies the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the syslog server. This must be a valid Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address.
(Optional) Specifies the facility number used in syslog messages. This number identifies the origin of the message to the receiving server. Servers configured with facility values of 0 - 3 receive syslog messages in concise format. Servers configured with facility values of 4 - 7 receive syslog messages in fully-expanded format. The default value is 0.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives error notifications. Set to on, error notifications are sent to the syslog server. Set to off, error notifications are not sent to the syslog server. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives warning notifications. Set to on, warning notifications are sent to the syslog server. Set to off, warning notifications are not sent to the syslog server. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies whether the server receives information notifications. Set to on, information notifications are sent to the syslog server. Set to off, information notifications are not sent to the syslog server. The default value is on.
(Optional) Specifies that Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) data reporting be turned on or off. Any syslog notifications sent to the server are formatted to the CADF standard. This parameter is mutually-exclusive with -facility.


This command creates a syslog server to receive notifications. The syslog protocol is a client-server standard for forwarding log messages from a sender to a receiver on an IP network. Syslog can be used to integrate log messages from different types of systems into a central repository.

Lenovo Storage V series supports a maximum of six syslog servers.

For syslog servers, SNMP servers, and email users with type set to local, the valid combinations of notification types are:
  • error, warning, and info
  • error and warning

An invocation example

mksyslogserver -ip

The resulting output:

Syslog Server id [2] successfully created

An invocation example

mksyslogserver -ip -error on -warning on -info off -cadf on

The resulting output:

Syslog Server id [2] successfully created

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