
Use the lsvdiskanalysis command to display information for thin provisioning and compression estimation analysis report for a single volume or multiple volumes.


lsvdiskanalysis [ -nohdr ] [ -delim delimiter ] [ -filtervalue attribute=value ] [ -filtervalue? ] [ { [ vdisk_id ] | [ vdisk_name ] } ]


(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
-delim delimiter
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a 1-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are displayed.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards with the Lenovo Storage V series CLI:
  • The wildcard character is the asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard.
  • When you use a wildcard, enclose the filter entry within double quotation marks (""), as follows:
    lsvdiskanalysis -filtervalue "usergrp_name=md*"
(Optional) Displays the valid filter attributes for the -filtervalueattribute=value parameter:
  • id
  • name
  • state
vdisk_id | vdisk_name
(Optional) Specifies the volume (by ID or name) to display compression estimation status for.


This command displays information for thin provisioning and compression estimation analysis report for a single volume or multiple volumes.

lsvdiskanalysis output provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. lsvdiskanalysis output
Attribute Description
id Indicates the ID (by number) of the object.
analysis_state Indicates one of the following values:
  • idle, which means that the volume was never analyzed
  • scheduled, which means that the volume is scheduled for analysis (the analysis starts based on ascending volume IDs)
  • active, which means that the volume is being analyzed
  • estimated, which means that the volume was analyzed and the analysis results reflect the estimated savings from thin provisioning and compression
  • sparse, which means that the volume was analyzed but not enough samples of nonzero data were found
  • cancelling, which means the analysis is undergoing but there is a request to cancel it, and the analysis has not ended.
started_time Indicates the date and time that the analysis started, which helps determine how long an estimate takes. The value must be an alphanumeric data string or be empty if analysis never started.
analysis_time Indicates the date and time that the analysis ended, to help determine how current the results are. If you cancel analysis, the value for the time is invalid (0, and it is not displayed). While active, time is invalid as well and does not reflect expected completion time. The value must be an alphanumeric data string or be empty if analysis never occurred.
capacity Indicates the virtual capacity (host size) of the volume.
thin_size Indicates the estimated size of the data without zero portions (thin-provisioned size).
thin_savings Indicates how much data that is expected to be saved if it is a thin-provisioned volume.
thin_savings_ratio Indicates the percent of data that is saved by thin-provisioned. The number must be a percentage. The number must be a percentage.
compressed_size Indicates the estimated size of any nonzero data after compression completes.
compression_savings Indicates how much data to expect to save if the volume is a compressed volume.
compression_savings_ratio Indicates the amount of data that is saved by compression. The number must be a percentage.
total_savings Indicates how much data to expect to save by converting a volume to a compressed volume.
total_savings_ratio Indicates the amount of data saved by compression based on the overall volume capacity, which includes the thin nature of compressed volumes. The number must be a percentage.
accuracy Indicates the accuracy estimation. The number must be a percentage.

A concise invocation example


The detailed resulting output:

id name  state     analysis_time capacity thin_size thin_savings thin_savings_ratio compressed_size compression_savings compression_savings_ratio total_savings total_savings_ratio accuracy
0  ben0  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
1  ben1  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
2  ben2  active                  1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
3  ben3  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
4  ben4  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
5  ben5  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
6  ben6  estimated 150608135456  1.00GB   62.18MB   961.82MB     93.92              12.23MB         49.95MB             80.33                     1011.77MB     98.80               4.97
7  ben7  scheduled               1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0
8  ben8  idle                    1.00GB   0.00MB    0.00MB       0                  0.00MB          0.00MB              0                         0.00MB        0                   0

A detailed invocation example


The detailed resulting output:

id 6
name ben6
state estimated
started_time 150608135446
analysis_time 150608135456
capacity 1.00GB
thin_size 62.18MB
thin_savings 961.82MB
thin_savings_ratio 93.92
compressed_size 12.23MB
compression_savings 49.95MB
compression_savings_ratio 80.33
total_savings 1011.77MB
total_savings_ratio 98.80
accuracy 4.97

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