
Use the splitvdiskcopy command to create a separate volume from a synchronized copy of a mirrored volume.


splitvdiskcopy    -copy  id    [  -iogrp  { io_group_id | io_group_name } ] [  -accessiogrp  {  iogrp_id_list  |  iogrp_name_list  } ] [  -node    {  node_id  |  node_name  } ] [  -name     new_name  ] [  -cache  {  readwrite  |  readonly  |  none  } ]   [  -udid     udid  ]   [  -activeactive  ]   [  -force  ] {  vdisk_name  |  vdisk_id  }


(Required) Specifies the ID of the copy to split.
-iogrpio_group_id | io_group_name
(Optional) Specifies the I/O group to add the new volume to. The default is the I/O group of the specified volume.
-accessiogrpiogroup_id_list | iogroup_name_list
(Optional) Specifies which I/O groups provide access to the volume. If the -accessiogrp parameter is used, the specified I/O groups provide access even if that set includes either the caching I/O group of the original volume or the caching I/O group of the new volume. If the flag is not specified and the original volume has only its caching I/O group in the set of I/O groups that provide access to the original volume, the new volume is assigned its caching I/O group as the only I/O group that provides access (which might not be the same as caching I/O group of the original volume). Otherwise, the new volume provides access using the same set of I/O groups that are used with the original mirrored volume.
Note: The I/O groups that are specified are not required to include the caching I/O group.
-nodenode_id | node_name
(Optional) Specifies the preferred node ID or the name for I/O operations to this volume. You can use the -node parameter to specify the preferred access node.
(Optional) Assigns a name to the new volume.
-cachereadwrite | readonly | none
(Optional) Specifies the caching options for the new volume. (Optional) Specifies the caching options for the volume. Valid entries are:
  • readwrite to enable the cache for the volume
  • readonly to disable write caching while allowing read caching for a volume
  • none to disable the cache mode for the volume
The default is readwrite.
Remember: If you do not specify the -cache parameter, the default value (readwrite) is used.
(Optional) Specifies the udid for the new volume. The udid is a required identifier for OpenVMS hosts; no other hosts use this parameter. Supported values are a decimal number 0 - 32767, or a hexadecimal number 0 - 0x7FFF. A hexadecimal number must be preceded by 0x; for example, 0x1234. The default udid value is 0.
(Optional) Specifies that an active-active relationship is created between the specified volume and the newly created volume.
(Optional) Allows the split to proceed even when the specified copy is not synchronized, or even when the cache flush is likely to fail. The newly created volume might not be consistent.


The splitvdiskcopy command creates a new volume in the specified I/O Group from a copy of the specified volume.

If the copy that you are splitting is not synchronized, you must use the -force parameter. The command fails if you are attempting to remove the only synchronized copy. To avoid command failure, wait for the copy to synchronize or split the unsynchronized copy from the volume by using the -force parameter. You can run the command when either volume copy is offline.

For active-active relationships, the existing volume must be in an I/O group with a site name or site ID. The existing volume must also use a storage pool with the same site information. The new volume must be created in an I/O group with a site name or site ID (that is not the same site as the I/O group for the existing volume). The new volume must use a storage pool with the same site name or site ID as the I/O group's site name or site ID. The topology must be hyperswap or the active-active relationship is not allowed.

For active-active relationships, the existing volume must not be the target of a FlashCopy mapping.

You can use this command to partially create a HyperSwap® volume and:
  1. Configure the access I/O groups for the existing volume to include the new volume's I/O group
  2. Create and associate change volumes to the active-active relationship
When these tasks are completed, the active-active relationship can start or resynchronize any regions that are written to on the existing volume. The created relationship uses the existing volume as its master copy, and the new volume as its auxiliary copy.
Note: If the I/O group has enough bitmap space available to allocate for remote copy and the allocated space for the remote copy is not large enough to accommodate the new relationship, space is automatically added. (Remote copy includes Global Mirror, Metro Mirror, and active-active relationships.)

An invocation example for creating a volume with I/O groups 2 and 3 in its I/O group access set

splitvdiskcopy -copy 1 -iogrp 2 -node 7 -accessiogrp 2:3 DB_Disk

The resulting output:

Virtual Disk, copy [1], successfully created.

An invocation example

splitvdiskcopy -copy 1 vdisk8

The resulting output:

Virtual Disk, id [1], successfully created.

An invocation example

splitvdiskcopy -activeactive -iogrp siteB -copy 1 -name siteBvolume siteAvolume

The resulting output:

Virtual Disk, copy [1], successfully created.

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