
Use the stopfcconsistgrp command to stop all processing that is associated with a FlashCopy® consistency group that is in one of the following processing states: prepared, copying, stopping, or suspended.


stopfcconsistgrp [ { -force | -split } ] fc_consist_group_id_or_name


(Optional) Specifies that all processing that is associated with the mappings of the designated consistency group be stopped immediately.
Note: When you use this parameter, all FlashCopy mappings that depend on the mappings in this group (as listed by the lsfcmapdependentmaps command) are also stopped.
If the -force parameter is not specified, the command is rejected if the target volume of the FlashCopyconsistency group is the primary in a relationship that is mirroring I/O:
  • consistent_synchronized
  • consistent_copying
  • inconsistent_copying

If the -force parameter is specified, any Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships associated with the target volumes of the FlashCopy mappings in the specified consistency group stops. If a remote copy relationship associated with the target was mirroring I/O when the map was copying, it might lose its difference recording capability and require a full resychronization upon a subsequent restart.

(Optional) Breaks the dependency on the source volumes of any mappings that are also dependent on the target volume. This parameter can only be specified when stopping a consistency group where all maps in the group have progress of 100 as shown by the lsfcmap command.
(Required) Specifies the name or ID of the consistency group that you want to stop.


This command stops a group of mappings in a consistency group. If the copy process is stopped, the target disks become unusable unless they already contain complete images of the source. Disks that contain complete images of the source have a progress of 100, as indicated in the lsfcmap command output. The target volume is reported as offline if it does not contain a complete image. Before you can access this volume, the group of mappings must be prepared and restarted.

If the consistency group is in the idle_or_copied state, the stopfcconsistgrp command has no effect and the consistency group stays in the idle_or_copied state.
Note: Prior to SAN Volume Controller 4.2.0, the stopfcconsistgrp command always caused the consistency group to go to the stopped state, taking the target volumes offline.

The split option can be used when all of the maps in the group have progress of 100. It removes the dependency of any other maps on the source volumes. It might be used prior to starting another FlashCopy consistency group whose target disks are the source disks of the mappings being stopped. Once the consistency group has been stopped with the split option, the other consistency group could then be started without the restore option.

Note: Maps that are rc_controlled are not shown in the view when this command is specified.

An invocation example

stopfcconsistgrp testmapone

The resulting output

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