Use the lsencryption command to display system encryption information.
Attribute | Value |
status | Indicates the system encryption status.
error_sequence_number | Indicates the event log sequence number of any problem affecting encryption. If there is no problem it is blank. |
usb_rekey | Indicates the state of the Universal Serial
Bus (USB) rekey process.
usb_rekey_copies | Indicates the number of USB devices that prepared keys have been written to. The value must be a numeric string. |
usb_key_filename | Indicates the name of the file containing the current encryption key. The value must be an alphanumeric string containing between 1 and 110 ASCII characters. |
usb_rekey_filename | Indicates the name of the file containing the current prepared encryption key. |
The resulting output:
status not_supported error_sequence_number usb_rekey no_key usb_copies 0 usb_key_filename usb_rekey_filename
The resulting output:
status enabled error_sequence_number usb_rekey prepared usb_copies 3 usb_key_filename encryption_key_file_1234ABCD1234ABCD_mycluster usb_rekey_filename encryption_key_file_5678EFGH5678EFGH_mycluster