
Use the lscontroller command to display a concise list or a detailed view of controllers that are visible to the clustered system (system).


lscontroller [ -filtervalueattribute=value ] [ -nohdr ] [ -delim delimiter ] [ -filtervalue? ] [ { controller_id | controller_name } ]


(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are returned. If a capacity is specified, the units must also be included.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards with the Lenovo Storage V7000 CLI:
  • The wildcard character is an asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard, which must be the first or last character in the string.
(Optional) Displays the valid filter attributes. The following filter attributes for the lscontroller command are valid:
  • controller_name
  • id
(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum possible width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a one-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
controller_id | controller_name
(Optional) Specifies the name or ID of a controller. When you use this parameter, the detailed view of the specific controller is returned and any value that is specified by the -filtervalue parameter is ignored. If you do not specify the controller_id | controller_name parameter, the concise view displays all controllers matching the filtering requirements that are specified by the -filtervalue parameter.


This command returns a concise list, or a detailed view, of controllers visible to the system.

The following values are applicable to the data in the output views:
degraded no, yes

To differentiate the name of a storage controller from the name shown on the system, list the storage controllers by issuing the lscontroller command. Record the controller name or ID for the controller that you want to determine. For the controller in question, issue the lscontrollercontroller name | id command, where controller name | id is the controller name or ID. Record the worldwide node name (WWNN) for the controller. You can use the WWNN to determine the actual storage controller by launching the native controller user interface, or by using the command line tools it provides to verify the actual controller that has the WWNN.

  1. The mdisk_link_count value is the number of MDisks currently associated with this storage controller.
  2. The max_mdisk_link_count value is the highest value that the mdisk_link_count has reached since it was last reset to the mdisk_link_count value.
    Remember: This value is reset by specific maintenance procedures or when the event log is cleared.
  3. A SAN connection from a node or node canister port to a controller port for a single MDisk is a path. The controller port path_count value is the number of paths that are currently being used to submit input/output (I/O) data to this controller port.
  4. The storage controller max_path_count value is the highest value that the storage controller path_count has reached since it was last reset to the path_count value. This value is reset by specific maintenance procedures or when the system error log is cleared.
    Important: The max_path_count value is the highest value that the path_count has reached since it was last reset to the path_count value.
    Remember: This value is reset by specific maintenance procedures or when the event log is cleared.
  5. The allow_quorum value identifies if the controller is currently enabled to support quorum disks. Quorum support is either enabled or disabled depending on the controller hardware type.
  6. The ctrl_s/n value is the controller serial number.
    Important: This data comes from vendor-controlled sources and might not be available.
Table 1 provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
This table provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. lscontroller output
Attribute Possible Values
id Indicates the controller ID.
name Indicates the controller name.
WWNN Indicates the worldwide node name (WWNN).
mdisk_link_count Indicates the MDisk link count.
max_mdisk_link_count Indicates the maximum MDisk link count.
degraded Indicates if the controller has degraded MDisks.
vendor_id Indicates the vendor identification name or number.
product_id_low Indicates the product identification.
product_id_high Indicates the product identification.
product_revision Indicates the product revision.
ctrl_s/n Indicates the controller serial number.
allow_quorum Indicates the controller can support quorum disks.
WWPN Indicates the worldwide port name (WWPN).
path_count Indicates the number of paths that are currently being used to submit input/output (I/O) data to the controller port.
max_path_count Indicates the maximum number of paths that are currently being used to submit input/output (I/O) data to the controller port.
site_id Indicates the site value for the controller. This numeric value is 1, 2, 3 or blank.
site_name Indicates the site name for the controller. This is an alphanumeric value or is blank.
fabric_type Indicates a Fibre Channel (FC) or SAS controller.
  • fc indicates an FC controller
  • sas_direct indicates an SAS direct-attached controller
  • multiple indicates multiple controllers (either FC, SAS, or both)

A concise invocation example

lscontroller -delim :

The concise resulting output:

7:controller7:3EK0J5Y8:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
8:controller8:3EK0J6CR:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
9:controller9:3EK0J4YN:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
10:controller10:3EK0GKGH:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
11:controller11:3EK0J85C:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
12:controller12:3EK0JBR2:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
13:controller13:3EKYNJF8:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC
14:controller14:3EK0HVTM:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC

A detailed invocation example

lscontroller -delim = 7

The detailed resulting output:

