Taking advantage of certain configuration
options, and ensuring vital system access information has been recorded,
makes the process of troubleshooting easier.
Record the access information
It is important that anyone who has responsibility for managing the system know how to connect to and log on to the system. Give attention to those times when system administrators are not available because of vacation or illness.
Manage your spare and failed drives Traditional RAID arrays that are created from drives consist of drives that are active members and drives that are spares.
Resolve alerts in a timely manner
Your system reports an alert when there is an issue or a potential issue that requires user attention.
Subscribe to support notifications
Subscribe to support notifications so that you are aware of best practices and issues that might affect your system.
How to get help and technical assistance
If you need help, service, technical assistance, or want more information about Lenovo products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from Lenovo to assist you.