If you need help, service, technical assistance, or want more information about Lenovo products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from Lenovo to assist you.
Before you call for support, be sure to have your Lenovo Customer Number available. If you are in the US or Canada, you can call 1 (800) 426-7378 for help and service. From other parts of the world, see http://www.ibm.com/planetwide for the number that you can call.
When you call from the US or Canada, choose the storage option. The agent decides where to route your call, to either storage software or storage hardware, depending on the nature of your problem.
If you call from somewhere other than the US or Canada, you must choose the hardware option when calling for assistance. When you call IBM to service the product, follow these guidelines for the hardware:
In the US and Canada, hardware service and support can be extended to 24x7 on the same day. The base warranty is 9x5 on the next business day.
You can find information about products, solutions, partners, and support on the Lenovo Web sites.
For Lenovo Storage V3700 V2 and Lenovo Storage V3700 V2 XP: https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/storage/lenovo-storage/v3700v2/6535
For Lenovo Storage V5030: https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/storage/lenovo-storage/v5030/6536
Make sure that you take steps to try to solve the problem yourself before you call.
Information about your Lenovo storage system is available in the documentation that comes with the product.
For Lenovo Storage V3700 V2 and Lenovo Storage V3700 V2 XP: https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/storage/lenovo-storage/v3700v2/6535
For Lenovo Storage V5030: https://datacentersupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/storage/lenovo-storage/v5030/6536
If you have questions about how to use and configure the machine, sign up for the IBM Support Line offering to get a professional answer.
The maintenance that is supplied with the system provides support when there is a problem with a hardware component or a fault in the system machine code. At times, you might need expert advice about using a function that is provided by the system or about how to configure the system. Purchasing the IBM Support Line offering gives you access to this professional advice for your system, and in the future.
Contact your local IBM sales representative or your support group for availability and purchase information.