
Use the svcinfo lshostiplogin command to list the login session type and other details for hosts that are identified by their iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) and logged in to Ethernet ports that are configured with IP addresses.


svcinfo lshostiplogin { id | name } [ -filtervalueattribute=value ] [ -filtervalue? ]


(Optional) Object identifier that indicates a configured host IQN, for which login details are to be displayed. This value must be a number in the range 0 - 2047 (Max number of configured iSCSI/iSER IQNs per SVC cluster [512 x 4 = 2048]).
(Optional) Object name that indicates a configured host IQN name, for which login details are to be displayed.
(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filter attributes that matches the specified values; see -filtervalue? for the supported attributes.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards when you use the CLI:
  • The wildcard character is an asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard, which must be the first or last character in the string.
  • When you use a wildcard character, you must enclose the filter entry within double quotation marks (""):lshostiplogin -filtervalue "attribute=value*"
(Optional) Includes all of the valid filter attributes in the report. The following filter attributes are valid for the lshostiplogin command:
  • login_protocol
  • host_id
  • host_name
Any parameters specified with the -filtervalue? parameter are ignored.

For more information about filtering attributes, see Attributes of the -filtervalue parameters.


This command lists the login session type and other details.

This table provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. svcinfo lshostiplogin output
Attribute Description
id Object identifier that indicates a configured host IQN for which login details are displayed.
name Unique IQN for an iSCSI or iSER host. This IQN must belong to a configured host object.
host_id Host object ID to which this IQN belongs.
host_name Host name corresponding to host_id.
login_count Total number of login sessions that are established by the host to cluster ports to all I/O groups.
login_protocol Specifies the connection protocol that is used by the configured host to establish sessions with Ethernet ports configured with IP addresses. This value can be one of the following values:
  • iSCSI
  • iSER
  • mixed
login An integer that refers to a single session from the host to any node in the cluster. This value is a number in the range of 0 - 31.
node_id Node ID of the node to which a login session, referred by login field, is established by host IQN. This value is an integer in the range of 1 - 32.
node_name Node name of the node to which a login session, referred by login field, is established by host IQN. This value is a string with a maximum of 16 characters.
port_id Port identifier that indicates the Ethernet port that is displayed by the lsportip view to which login is established. This value is a number in the range of 1 - 12.
host_port_grp_id Target port group identifier to which port, for login being described, belongs to. This value is a number in the range of 1 - 64.
protocol Indicates the connection protocol that is used by the configured IP host IQN to establish a login session referred by the login field. This value can be one of the following values:
  • iSCSI
  • iSER
ip_version Indicates the IP addressing version. The value that is displayed is either IPv4 or IPv6.
failover Identifies whether the session refers to the local or failover IP address. The value that is displayed is either yes or no.

Example 1

*  IQN "" logged onto node1 (node_id 1) port 2 and 3 and node2 (node_id 2) port 2 and 3,
 with IPv4 version over iSCSI connection. lshostiplogin displays login sessions as shown below.

 Host Info:
 # svctask mkhost -iscsiname ""
 Host, id [0], successfully created

 # lshost
 id  name     port_count iogrp_count status  site_id site_name  host_cluster_id host_cluster_name
 0   host0    1          4           online

 Concise View 
# lshostiplogin
id name                                       host_id  host_name        login_count  login_protocol
0        0        host0            4            iscsi

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json
[{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "4",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi" }]

 Detailed View 
# lshostiplogin 0
id 0
host_id 0
host_name host0
login_count 4
login_protocol iscsi

login 0
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 1
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no
login 2
node_id 2
node_name node2
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 3
node_id 2
node_name node2
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json 0
{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "4",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi", "logins": [{ "login": "0", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "2",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no" }, {"login": "1", "node_id": "1",
 "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "3", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover":
 "no"}, { "login": "2", "node_id": "2", "node_name": "node2", "port_id": "2", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol":
 "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no" }, {"login": "3", "node_id": "2", "node_name": "node2", "port_id": "3",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"} ] }

NOTE: This CLI does not display sorted list of logins. Order in which login requests are served to host IQN, will
 dictate order of logins displayed.

Another possible Detailed view after few logouts and logins

 Detailed View 
# lshostiplogin 0
id 0
host_id 0
host_name host0
login_count 4
login_protocol iscsi

login 1
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 0
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no
login 2
node_id 2
node_name node2
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 3
node_id 2
node_name node2
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json 0
{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "4",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi", "logins": [{ "login": "1", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "2",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"}, {"login": "0", "node_id": "1",
 "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "3", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover":
 "no"}, { "login": "2", "node_id": "2", "node_name": "node2", "port_id": "3", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol":
 "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"}, {"login": "3", "node_id": "2", "node_name": "node2", "port_id": "2",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"} ] }

Example 2

*  This example covers failover scenario for Example 1, when node 2 is down and all logins are established on node1 port 2 and 3:

 Concise View 
# lshostiplogin
id name                                       host_id  host_name        login_count  login_protocol
0        0        host0            4            iscsi

  Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json
[{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "4",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi" }]

 Detailed View 
# lshostiplogin 0
id 0
host_id 0
host_name host0
login_count 4
login_protocol iscsi

login 0
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 1
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 2
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover yes

login 3
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 3
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover yes

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json 0
{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "4",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi", "logins": [{ "login": "0", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "2",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no" }, {"login": "1", "node_id": "1",
 "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "3", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover":
 "no"}, { "login": "2", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "2", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi",
 "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "yes" }, {"login": "3", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "3",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocol": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "yes"} ] }

Example 3

*  This example covers following scenario:
1. IQN "" has logged onto node1 (node_id: 1 IOgrp: 0) port 2 and node2 (node_id: 2
 IOgrp: 0) port 2 with IPv4 version. Both the connections are over iSCSI.
2. IQN "" has logged onto node3 (node_id: 3 IOgrp: 1) port 5 and node4 (node_id: 4
 IOgrp: 1) port 5 with IPv4 version. Both the connections are over iSER.

# svctask mkhost -iscsiname ""
Host, id [1], successfully created

# lshost
id  name     port_count iogrp_count status  site_id site_name host_cluster_id host_cluster_name
0   host0    1          4           online
1   host1    1          4           online

 Concise View 
# lshostiplogin
id name                                       host_id  host_name        login_count  login_protocol
0        0        host0            2            iscsi
1        1        host1            2            iser

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json
[{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "2",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi" }, { "id": "1", "name": "", "host_id": "1", "host_name":
 "host1", "login_count": "2", "login_protocol": "iser" }]

 Detailed View 0 
# lshostiplogin 0
id 0
host_id 0
host_name host0
login_count 2
login_protocol iscsi

login 0
node_id 1
node_name node1
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 1
node_id 2
node_name node2
port_id 2
host_port_grp_id 1
protocol iscsi
ip_version IPv4
failover no

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json 0
{ "id": "0", "name": "", "host_id": "0", "host_name": "host0", "login_count": "2",
 "login_protocol": "iscsi", "logins": [ { "login": "0", "node_id": "1", "node_name": "node1", "port_id": "2",
 "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocols": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"}, { "login": "1", "node_id": "2",
 "node_name": "node2", "port_id": "2", "host_port_grp_id": "1", "protocols": "iscsi", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover":
 "no" } ] }

 Detailed View 1 
# lshostiplogin 1
id 1
host_id 1
host_name host1
login_count 2
login_protocol iser

login 0
node_id 3
node_name node3
port_id 5
host_port_grp_id 2
protocol iser
ip_version IPv4
failover no

login 1
node_id 4
node_name node4
port_id 5
host_port_grp_id 2
protocol iser
ip_version IPv4
failover no

 Json View 
# lshostiplogin -json 1
{ "id": "1", "name": "", "host_id": "1", "host_name": "host1", "login_count": "2",
 "login_protocol": "iser", "logins": [ { "login": "0", "node_id": "3", "node_name": "node3", "port_id": "5", "host_port_grp_id":
 "2", "protocols": "iser", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no"}, { "login": "1", "node_id": "4", "node_name": "node4",
 "port_id": "5", "host_port_grp_id": "2", "protocols": "iser", "ip_version": "IPv4", "failover": "no" } ] }