Use the satask snap command to collect diagnostic information from the node canister and to write the output to a USB flash drive, or to upload specified support information.
unknown_pmr_pmr_number_If this option is not supplied, the snap file is uploaded using the machine type and serial number attributes.
This command moves a snap file to a USB flash drive and uploads support information.
If collected, the IMM FFDC file is present in the snap archive in /dumps/imm.ffdc.<node.dumpname>.<date>.<time>.tgz. The system waits for up to 5 minutes for the IMM to generate its FFDC. The status of the IMM FFDC is located in the snap archive in /dumps/imm.ffdc.log. These two files are not left on the node.
Specify the lsdumps command to view the file that you create.
satask snap
The resulting output:
No feedback
satask snap -dump 111584
The resulting output:
No feedback