
These are abbreviations that are most commonly used for the command-line interface (CLI) operations.

Abbreviations shows the abbreviations and offers a brief description.
Table 1. Abbreviations
Name Object type
Host Refers to a single host
Host cluster Refers to a host cluster (which is part of a servers that share a set of volumes)
Host object Refers to a list of worldwide port names WWPNs and iSCSI names
Volume copy Referred to as vdiskcopy
Thin-provisioned volume copy Referred to as sevdiskcopy
Managed disk Referred to as MDisk
MDisk group or storage pool Referred to as storage pool
I/O group Referred to as iogrp
Node, node canister, enclosure Refers to node or node canister or enclosure, depending on the system
Clustered system (system) or cluster Referred to as system
VDisk or volume Referred to as volume
Controller Refers to a controller that is part of a clustered system
IBM FlashCopy mapping Referred to as fcmap
IBM FlashCopy consistency group Referred to as fcconsistgrp
Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship Referred to as rcrelationship
Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group Referred to as rcconsistgrp
IBM HyperSwap mirroring consistency group Referred to as hyperswap
Unsupported/unknown object unknown