
Use the lsservicerecommendation command to determine what actions must be completed when servicing a node.


 sainfo   lsservicerecommendation  [panel_name]


(Optional) If no panel ID is provided, the service recommendation for the local node is returned. If a panel_name from the list returned by lsservicenodes is specified, then the service recommendation for that node is returned. The command will fail if the panel_name is not in the list returned by lsservicenodes.
Note: If panel_name is not supplied, this applies to the node on which the command is running.


This command enables you to determine what actions need to be completed when servicing a node.

An invocation example

Example 1 for service_action:
sainfo lsservicerecommendation
The resulting output:
Use fabric tools to diagnose and correct Fibre Channel fabric problem.

An invocation example

Example 2 for service_action:
sainfo lsservicerecommendation
The resulting output:
No service action required, use console to manage node. 

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