
Use the lsenclosure command to view a summary of the enclosures.


lsenclosure [ -nohdr ] [ -filtervalue attribute_value ] [ -filtervalue? ] [ -delim delimiter ] [ enclosure_id ]


(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are displayed.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards:
  • The wildcard character is the asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard.
  • When you use a wildcard, enclose the filter entry within double quotation marks (""): lsenclosure -filtervalue id="1*"
(Optional) Displays the valid filter attributes for the -filtervalue parameter:
  • drive_slots
  • id
  • IO_group_id
  • IO_group_name
  • managed
  • online_canisters
  • online_PSUs
  • product_MTM
  • serial_number
  • status
  • total_canisters
  • total_PSUs
  • type
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum possible width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a one-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
Detailed information for the enclosure that you specify.


This command enables you to view a summary of the enclosures (including current status information for canisters and power and cooling units, and other enclosure attributes). Table 1 shows the possible outputs:
Table 1. lsenclosure output
Attribute Description
id Indicates the ID of the enclosure.
status Indicates if an enclosure is visible to the SAS network:
  • online if a managed or unmanaged enclosure is visible
  • offline if a managed enclosure is not visible, and other fields hold their last known values.
  • degraded if an enclosure is visible, but not down both strands
type Indicates the type of enclosure:
  • control
  • expansion
managed Indicates if the enclosure is managed:
  • yes
  • no
IO_group_id Indicates the I/O group the enclosure belongs to; blank if canisters are connected to two different I/O groups.
IO_group_name Indicates the I/O group the enclosure belongs to; blank if canisters are connected to two different I/O groups.
fault_LED Indicates the status of the fault light-emitting diode (LED) on the enclosure:
  • on if a service action is required immediately on the enclosure or a component within the enclosure (including a canister, power unit, or non-spared drive).
  • slow_flashing if there is insufficient battery power to run I/O
  • off if there are faults on the enclosure or its components
identify_LED Indicates the state of the identify LED:
  • off if the enclosure is not identified
  • slow_flashing if the enclosure is being identified
error_sequence_number Indicates the error log number of the highest priority error for this object. This is typically blank; however, if there is a problem (for example, the status has degraded), then it contains the sequence number of that error.
product_MTM Indicates the product machine type and model.
serial_number Indicates the serial number of the enclosure. This is the product serial number, which indicates the enclosure and its contents. The enclosure has its own serial number, which is embedded in the FRU_identity 11S data.
FRU_part_number Indicates the FRU part number of the enclosure.
FRU_identity Indicates the 11S serial number that combines the manufacturing part number and the serial number.
total_canisters Indicates the maximum number of canisters for this enclosure type.
online_canisters Indicates the number of canisters contained in this enclosure that are online.
total_PSUs Indicates the number of power and cooling units in this enclosure.
online_PSUs Indicates the number of power-supply units (PSUs) contained in this enclosure that are online.
drive_slots Indicates the number of drive slots in the enclosure.
firmware_level_1 Indicates the version of the microcode image (midplane firmware version) installed on the midplane.
firmware_level_2 Indicates the version of the midplane metadata (midplane vital product data, or VPD, version) installed on the midplane.
machine_part_number Indicates the enclosure's machine part number.Blank.
machine_signature Indicates a machine signature unique to the control enclosure and representing the serial number and machine part number. The format is a hyphenated string of nineteen hexadecimal characters.
Remember: Expansion enclosures do not have a machine signature.
total_sems Indicates the total number of secondary expander modules (SEMs) that are in the system. The value must be a number 0 - 2.
online_sems Indicates the total number of SEMs in the system that are online. The value must be a number 0 - 2.

An invocation example

lsenclosure -delim : 

The resulting output:


A detailed invocation example

lsenclosure 1 

The detailed resulting output:

id 1
status online
type control
managed no
IO_group_id 0
IO_group_name io_grp0
fault_LED off
identify_LED off
product_MTM 2072-12C
serial_number 64G005S
FRU_part_number 85Y5896
FRU_identity 11S85Y5962YHU9994G005S
total_canisters 2
online_canisters 2
total_PSUs 2
online_PSUs 2
drive_slots 12
firmware_level_1 10
firmware_level_2 F6C07926
machine_part_number 2072L2Cmachine_signature 0123-4567-89AB-CDEFtotal_sems 2
online_sems 1

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