Use the lscontroller command to display a concise list or a detailed view of controllers that are visible to the clustered system (system).
This command returns a concise list, or a detailed view, of controllers visible to the system.
degraded no, yes
To differentiate the name of a storage controller from the name shown on the system, list the storage controllers by issuing the lscontroller command. Record the controller name or ID for the controller that you want to determine. For the controller in question, issue the lscontrollercontroller name | id command, where controller name | id is the controller name or ID. Record the worldwide node name (WWNN) for the controller. You can use the WWNN to determine the actual storage controller by launching the native controller user interface, or by using the command line tools it provides to verify the actual controller that has the WWNN.
Attribute | Possible Values |
id | Indicates the controller ID. |
name | Indicates the controller name. |
WWNN | Indicates the worldwide node name (WWNN). This field is blank for iSCSI controllers. |
mdisk_link_count | Indicates the MDisk link count. |
max_mdisk_link_count | Indicates the maximum MDisk link count. |
degraded | Indicates if the controller has degraded MDisks. |
vendor_id | Indicates the vendor identification name or number. |
product_id_low | Indicates the product identification. |
product_id_high | Indicates the product identification. |
product_revision | Indicates the product revision. |
ctrl_s/n | Indicates the controller serial number. |
allow_quorum | Indicates the controller can support quorum disks. |
WWPN | Indicates the worldwide port name (WWPN). This field is blank for iSCSI controllers. |
path_count | Indicates the number of paths that are currently being used to submit input/output (I/O) data to the controller port. |
max_path_count | Indicates the maximum number of paths that are currently being used to submit input/output (I/O) data to the controller port. |
site_id | Indicates the site value for the controller. This numeric value is 1, 2, 3 or blank. |
site_name | Indicates the site name for the controller. This is an alphanumeric value or is blank. |
fabric_type | Indicates a Fibre Channel (FC) or SAS controller.
iscsi_port_id | Indicates the I/O port identifier, which is
the same as the WWPN value from the FC domain. This value shows the
iSCSI port ID for the iSCSI controller and is blank for other controllers.
This value must be a numeric value. This ID refers to the row number in output from the lsiscsistorageport command. The lsiscsistorageport can be used to find the controller IQN. |
ip | Indicates the IP address associated with the iscsi_port_id. This shows the IP value for the iSCSI controller and is blank for other controllers. This must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
lscontroller -delim :
The concise resulting output:
id:controller_name:ctrl_s/n:vendor_id:product_id_low:product_id_high:WWNN:degraded:fabric_type:site_id:site_name 0:controller0::IBM:1726-4xx:FAStT::no:iscsi:1:snpp1 1:controller1::IBM:1726-4xx:FAStT::no:iscsi:2:snpp2 7:controller7:3EK0J5Y8:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851061E:yes:fc:1:snpp1 8:controller8:3EK0J6CR:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851061D:no:fc:2:snpp2 9:controller9:3EK0J4YN:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851061C:no:fc:3:snpp3 10:controller10:3EK0GKGH:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851061B:no:fc:1:snpp4 11:controller11:3EK0J85C:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851061A:no:fc:2:snpp5 12:controller12:3EK0JBR2:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851062A:no:fc:3:snpp6 13:controller13:3EKYNJF8:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851062B:no:fc:1:snpp7 14:controller14:3EK0HVTM:SEAGATE :ST373405:FC:200600A0B851062C:no:fc:2:snpp8
lscontroller -delim = 7
The detailed resulting output:
lscontroller 0
The detailed resulting output:
id 0 controller_name controller0 WWNN mdisk_link_count 4 max_mdisk_link_count 4 degraded no vendor_id IBM product_id_low 1726-4xx product_id_high FAStT product_revision 0617 ctrl_s/n allow_quorum no fabric_type iscsi site_id site_name WWPN path_count 4 max_path_count 4 iscsi_port_id 1 ip WWPN path_count 4 max_path_count 4 iscsi_port_id 2 ip