该信息演示 CIMOM 方法如何控制系统。 样本代码包含来自 Java 类且用于创建和启动 FlashCopy 映射的主方法以及从该主方法中调用的其他方法。
在本主题中,术语“方法”(method) 指 Java 方法。 术语“方法”(Method,首字母大写)指 CIM 方法。
本示例显示用于创建和启动 FlashCopy 映射的 Java 主方法。 本示例假定 Java 程序每次都控制同一系统。 使其变为更加灵活是一个相对简单的过程,但具体决定由用户来完成。
/* * FC Mapping states */ private static UnsignedInt16 INITIALIZED = new UnsignedInt16(2); private static UnsignedInt16 PREPARING = new UnsignedInt16(3); private static UnsignedInt16 PREPARED = new UnsignedInt16(4); public static void main(String[] args) throws CIMException { /* * First step is to connect to the CIMOM */ UserPrincipal user = new UserPrincipal("superuser"); PasswordCredential pwd = new PasswordCredential("itso13sj"); CIMNameSpace ns = new CIMNameSpace(""); CIMClient client = null; client = new CIMClient(ns,user,pwd); /* * Next, select the clustered system that we are interested in */ CIMInstance chosenCluster = getCluster("ITSOCL1",client); /* * At this point, the relevant clustered system has been selected * and 'chosenCluster' is a CIMInstance of this clustered system * * Get the Config Service of this clustered system */ CIMObjectPath cService = getConfigService(chosenCluster, client); /* * Now, get all of the Volumes in this clustered system */ Map<Integer,CIMObjectPath> volumesById = getVolumes(chosenCluster,client); /* * Select the FlashCopy Source * * In this case, Volume 10 is our source * Volume 11 is our target */ CIMObjectPath fcSrc = volumesById.get(new Integer(10)); CIMObjectPath fcTgt = volumesById.get(new Integer(11));/* /* * Now create FC Mapping */ CIMValue rc = makeFlashCopyMapping("CIMOMTestMap", fcSrc, fcTgt, cService, client,false); /* * Now that this has been created, we need to get an * Object Path to the newly created Association */ List<CIMObjectPath> fcMaps = getFCMappings(fcSrc, client); CIMObjectPath fcMapping = fcMaps.get(0); /* * Now we prepare the FC Mapping */ CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[2]; rc = prepareFCMapping(cService, fcMapping, client, outArgs); System.out.println("Got value:"+ Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(rc.toString()))); /* * Loop until it is prepared */ CIMValue fcMapState = new CIMValue(PREPARING); while(fcMapState.equals(new CIMValue(PREPARING))) { CIMInstance fcMapInfo = client.getInstance(fcMapping); fcMapState = fcMapInfo.getProperty("SyncState").getValue(); } /* * Now start the FC Mapping */ rc = startFCMapping(cService, fcMapping, client, outArgs); System.out.println("Got value:"+ Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(rc.toString()))); }
getCluster 方法返回与具有所提供名称的系统对应的 CIM 实例。 它通过枚举类 IBMTSSVC_Cluster 的所有实例并检查每个实例的名称来完成该操作。 当找到与所提供名称匹配的实例时,将返回到该实例的对象路径。
static private CIMInstance getCluster(String clusterName, CIMClient client) throws CIMException { CIMInstance chosenCluster = null; Enumeration<CIMInstance> clusters = client.enumerateInstances(new CIMObjectPath("/root/ibm:IBMTSSVC_Cluster")); while(clusters.hasMoreElements()) { CIMInstance possibleCluster = clusters.nextElement(); String possibleName = possibleCluster.getProperty("ElementName").getValue().toString(); if(possibleName.equals("\""+clusterName+"\"")) { chosenCluster = possibleCluster; } } return chosenCluster; }
CIM_StorageConfigurationService 类在系统中没有直接对等项,但针对该系统调用方法时需要该类的一个实例。
在本方法中,将请求与所提供系统关联的所有实例。 将系统与其配置服务连接起来的关联是 CIM_HostedService。 由于系统只具有与其关联的配置服务,因此选择了枚举中的第一个对象路径。
static private CIMObjectPath getConfigService(CIMInstance cluster, CIMClient client) throws CIMException { Enumeration<CIMObjectPath> configServices = null; configServices = client.associatorNames( cluster.getObjectPath(), "CIM_HostedService", "CIM_StorageConfigurationService", null, null); return configServices.nextElement(); }
该方法返回将卷标识(整数)与 IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume 对象路径关联的映射。 该方法请求与所提供集群系统实例关联的所有 IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume 实例。
static private Map<Integer,CIMObjectPath> getVolumes(CIMInstance cluster, CIMClient client) throws CIMException { Enumeration<CIMObjectPath> volumes = client.associatorNames( cluster.getObjectPath(), null, "IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume", null, null); Map<Integer,CIMObjectPath> volumesById = new HashMap<Integer, CIMObjectPath>(); while(volumes.hasMoreElements()) { CIMObjectPath volumeOP = volumes.nextElement(); CIMValue volumesId = volumeOP.getKey("DeviceID").getValue(); String idAsString = volumeId.toString(); String idNoQuotes = idAsString.substring(1, idAsString.length()-1); volumesById.put(Integer.parseInt(idNoQuotes), volumeOP); } return volumesById; }
本示例针对系统配置服务调用 AttachReplica。 CIM 方法接受类型化参数;该方法使用 argRef、 argString 和 argUint16 方法。 这些方法充当生成 CIM 方法所需自变量的快捷方式。 AttachReplica 方法用于 FlashCopy、高速镜像和全局镜像。 CopyType 自变量指示所需的类型。
static private CIMValue makeFlashCopyMapping( String name, CIMObjectPath source, CIMObjectPath target, CIMObjectPath configService, CIMClient client, boolean autodelete) throws CIMException { CIMArgument src = argRef("SourceElement", source, "IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume"); CIMArgument tgt = argRef("TargetElement", target, "IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume"); CIMArgument fcName = argString("ElementName",name); CIMArgument type = argUint16("CopyType",autodelete?5:4); CIMArgument[] inArgs = {src,tgt,fcName,type}; CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[1]; CIMValue rc = client.invokeMethod(configService, "AttachReplica", inArgs, outArgs); return rc; }
getFCMappings 方法返回与所提供卷关联的所有 FCMapping 的列表。 本方法请求引用所提供 IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume 的所有关联的列表。 目前,该类型的所有 Java WBEM 服务方法都返回枚举;该方法会生成列表以易于使用。
static private List<CIMObjectPath> getFCMappings(CIMObjectPath volume, CIMClient client) throws CIMException { Enumeration<CIMObjectPath> assocs = client.referenceNames( volume, "IBMTSSVC_LocalStorageSynchronized", null); return Collections.list(assocs); }
prepareFCMapping 方法准备 FlashCopy 映射。 与 AttachReplica 方法非常相似,ModifySynchronization 方法用于控制 FlashCopy、高速镜像和全局镜像。 operation 参数指示要执行的操作。
private static CIMValue prepareFCMapping( CIMObjectPath configService, CIMObjectPath fcMapping, CIMClient client, CIMArgument[] outArgs) throws CIMException { CIMArgument operation = argUint16("Operation", 6); CIMArgument synch = argRef("Synchronization", fcMapping,"IBMTSSVC_FlashCopyStorageSynchronized"); CIMArgument[] inArgs = new CIMArgument[]{operation,synch}; outArgs = new CIMArgument[2]; return client.invokeMethod(configService, "ModifySynchronization", inArgs, outArgs);
startFCMapping 方法启动 FlashCopy 映射。 该方法与在prepareFCMapping 方法中一样调用 ModifySynchronization 方法,但使用不同的 operation 参数。
private static CIMValue startFCMapping( CIMObjectPath configService, CIMObjectPath fcMapping, CIMClient client, CIMArgument[] outArgs) throws CIMException { CIMArgument operation = argUint16("Operation", 4); CIMArgument synch = argRef("Synchronization", fcMapping,"IBMTSSVC_FlashCopyStorageSynchronized"); CIMArgument[] inArgs = new CIMArgument[]{operation,synch}; outArgs = new CIMArgument[2]; return client.invokeMethod(configService, "ModifySynchronization", inArgs, outArgs); }