可以遵循某些准则和任务,正确设置 AIX 主机以在系统上进行认证。
虽然系统支持 iSCSI 的单向认证和双向认证,但是 AIX 软件启动器当前只支持单向认证。系统目标认证发起方。
CHAP 设置在主机上的 /etc/iscsi/targets 文件中定义。AIX 启动器或主机总线适配器 (HBA) 始终将其 iSCSI 限定名 (IQN) 用作 CHAP 用户名。
要在 AIX 主机上设置认证,请完成以下步骤: 3260 iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2145.sahyadri.node1 "secret"
您在此设置的 CHAP 密码值必须与在系统上为与此主机关联的主机对象配置的值相匹配。因为系统对每个启动器都进行认证,所以此 CHAP 密码对于特定集群系统上的所有目标均相同。
#ChapSecret = %x22*( any character ) %x22 # ; " " # ; ChapSecret is a string enclosed in double quotes. The # ; quotes are required, but are not part of the secret. # #EXAMPLE 1: iSCSI Target without CHAP(MD5) authentication # Assume the target is at address, # the valid port is 5003 # the name of the target is iqn.com.ibm-4125-23WTT26 #The target line would look like: # 5003 iqn.com.ibm-4125-23WWT26 # #EXAMPLE 2: iSCSI Target with CHAP(MD5) authentication # Assume the target is at address, # the valid port is 3260 # the name of the target is iqn.com.ibm-K167-42.fc1a # the CHAP secret is "This is my password." #The target line would look like: # 3260 iqn.com.ibm-K167-42.fc1a "This is my password." # #EXAMPLE 3: iSCSI Target with CHAP(MD5) authentication and line continuation # Assume the target is at address, # the valid port is 3260 # the name of the target is iqn.com.ibm:00.fcd0ab21.shark128 # the CHAP secret is "123ismysecretpassword.fc1b" #The target line would look like: # 3260 iqn.2003-01.com.ibm:00.fcd0ab21.shark128 3260 iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2145.pahar.dvt110702 3260 iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2145.moscow.dvt110706 "svcchapsecret"
目标 iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2076.pahar.dvt110702 没有配置为进行认证;因此 CHAP 密码字段为空白。目标 iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2076.moscow.dvt110706 配置为进行认证;因此 CHAP 密码字段设置为 svcchapsecret 以进行认证。