The primary use of the service assistant is when a node canister in the control enclosure is in service state. The node canister cannot be active as part of a system while it is in service state.
The node canister might be in a service state because it has a hardware issue, has corrupted data, or has lost its configuration data.
The storage system management GUI operates only when there is an online system. Use the service assistant if you are unable to create a system or if both node canisters in a control enclosure are in service state.
The service assistant does not provide any facilities to help you service expansion enclosures. Always service the expansion enclosures by using the management GUI.
The service assistant provides detailed status and error summaries, and the ability to modify the World Wide Node Name (WWNN) for each node.
You can also complete the following service-related actions:
The service assistant completes a number of tasks that cause the node canister to restart. It is not possible to maintain the service assistant connection to the node canister when it restarts. If the current node canister on which the tasks are completed is also the node canister that the browser is connected to and you lose your connection, reconnect and log on to the service assistant again after running the tasks.