Ensure that you are familiar with the Xiotech ISE user
interface applications. For more information about the user interface
applications, see the documentation that is included with the Xiotech ISE system.
Xiotech ISE Storage
Management GUI
Xiotech ISE Storage
Management GUI is a Java-based interface that you can use to configure,
manage, and troubleshoot
Xiotech ISEstorage systems.
Xiotech ISE Storage
Management GUI is designed and supported on MicrosoftWindows systems
and has the following minimum requirements:
- Internet Explorer
v6.02800.1106, SP1, Q903235 or higher (JavaScript enabled; XML/XSL
rendering enabled)
Xiotech ISE CLI
Xiotech ISE command-line
interface (CLI) communicates with the system through a serial port
that is connected to a computer that runs a terminal emulation program,
such as Microsoft HyperTerminal
or PuTTY. The
Xiotech ISE CLI
is primarily used to configure the network adapter TCP/IP settings.
null modem cable is required. Configure the serial port on the computer
as follows:
- 115200 baud
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- 1-stop bit
- No flow control