During an automatic update procedure, the system updates each of the canisters systematically. The automatic method is the preferred procedure for updating the code on the canisters; however, to provide more flexibility in the update process, you can also update each canister manually.
During this manual procedure, you prepare the update, remove a canister from the system, update the code on the canister, and return the canister to the system. You repeat this process for the remaining canisters until the last canister is removed from the system. Every canister must be updated to the same code level. You cannot interrupt the update and switch to installing a different level. After all the canisters are updated, you must confirm the update to complete the process. The confirmation restarts each canister in order and takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Start here to update to version 7.5 or later from version 7.4 or later.
If you are updating from a release previous to version 7.4.0, follow the instructions in that previous release. You are required, however, to confirm the update, which is not included in the instructions for your current release. When you reach the instructions for completing the upgrade, return to the corresponding final instructions in version 7.4.0 and follow those steps to confirm the update.