Use the triggerenclosuredump command to force the specified enclosure or enclosures to dump data.
This command requests the canisters in the enclosure or enclosures specified to dump data. The dumped data is subsequently collected and moved to /dumps/enclosure on the nodes that are connected to the enclosure. There is one file for each canister successfully dumped and they may be located on different nodes. Dumps are for use by your product support team (or information) if it has the tools to interpret the dump data. Use the cpdumps command to copy the files from the system. This command does not disrupt access to the enclosures. The system limits the number of enclosure statesaves in the directory to 20 per node.
triggerenclosuredump -port 1 -iogrp 2
The resulting output:
The data is dumped to the /dumps/enclosure directory if command is successful.
triggerenclosuredump -enclosure 5
The resulting output:
The data is dumped to the /dumps/enclosure directory if command is successful.