After you have installed the JNI or AMCC host bus adapter
(HBA) and the driver, you must configure the HBA.
Note: JNI and AMCC adapters are supported only on Sun Solaris
8 and 9.
To configure an HBA for the Solaris operating system,
use the following steps.
- Edit the jnic146x.conf file to set up the HBA connection
to the switch fabric so that the file contains the following settings:
automap=1; (dynamic binding)
LunDiscoveryMethod=1; (this is typically the default)
Note: If you are using the subsystem device driver (SDD) or are SAN booting the machine, you must use static port binding.
Otherwise, use dynamic binding.
- Modify the sd.config file (in the /kernel/drv/directory) to inform the Solaris operating
system about the new SCSI target device and LUNs.
For example, if you had four LUNs, you would add lines similar
to the following example lines:
name="sd" class="scsi" target=0 lun=0;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=0 lun=1;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=0 lun=2;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=0 lun=3;
- Register the HBA ports and map volumes to the
host using the following steps.
Note: If a monitor is attached to the host, you can see the
user interface. If no monitor is attached, you must use an xhost capable
client with an attached monitor.
- Log on to the attached console of the Sun or the remote
host with xhost capability.
- Start the EZ Fibre configuration utility by entering
the following:
user interface shows a list with both adapters listed, and all of
the connected remote ports listed as targets.
- Use the Lenovo Storage V7000 system command-line interface or the management GUI to register the HBA ports with the Lenovo Storage V7000 system.
- Create the necessary volumes and map them to
the host.
Note: You can obtain the HBA worldwide port name (WWPN) from
the /var/adm/messages file, the EZ Fibre utility,
the Lenovo Storage V7000 system candidate HBA port list,
or by using the Solaris prtconf tool.
- When the volumes are created and mapped, restart
the host by entering the following command: reboot -- -r.
- After the host has been restarted, restart the EZ Fibre
configuration utility.
All available volumes are listed under their corresponding
HBA targets.
- Decide if you want to use dynamic port binding or static
(persistent) port binding. If you are using the subsystem device driver (SDD) or are SAN booting the machine, you must use static port binding.
Otherwise, use dynamic binding.
- If you decide to use static binding, use the following
steps to map the Lenovo Storage V7000 system controlled volumes to the
host with persistent bindings:
- Using the EZ Fibre utility, select an
- Select the third tab on the HBA panel.
- Click Select All.
- Click Commit.
- Click Activate Changes.
- Select the same HBA.
- On the first panel, change the Dynamic Binding tab to Disabled.
- Click Commit.
- Click Activate Changes.
- Repeat steps 6.a through 6.i until
you have performed it on all of the HBAs.
Attention: The EZ Fibre configuration utility appends
any changes to the end of the /kernel/drv/jnic146x.conf file. After
multiple reconfigurations, this file can become very large. Make a
copy of the jnic146x.conf file after installing the driver and restore
it before making any configuration changes.
- Restart the host and examine the /var/adm/messages file
to ensure that the HBA is set up as a switch-fabric connection.