Setting up an SSH client on a Windows host

You can prepare the SSH client on a Windows host.

The workstation for the Lenovo Storage V7000 include the PuTTY client program, which is a MicrosoftWindows SSH client program. The PuTTY client program can be installed on your workstation in one of these ways:
Note: Before you install the PuTTY client program, ensure that your Windows system meets the system requirements.
If you want to use an SSH client other than the PuTTY client, this website offers SSH client alternatives for Windows:

To connect to the system, the SSH client requires a user login name and an SSH password (or if you require command-line access without entering a password, the key pair). Authenticate to the system using a management user name and password. When using an SSH client to access a system, you must use your user name and password. The system uses the password (and if not a password, the SSH key pair) to authorize the user accessing the system.

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