Moving offline volumes to their original I/O group using the CLI

You can move offline volumes to their original I/O group using the command-line interface (CLI).

After a node or an I/O group fails, you can use the following procedure to move offline volumes to their original I/O group. The system disables moving a volume if the selected volume is currently formatting. After the formatting completes, you can move the volume.
Attention: Do not move volumes to an offline I/O group. Ensure that the I/O group is online before you move the volume back to avoid any further data loss.

Complete the following steps to move offline volumes to their original I/O group:

  1. Enter the following command to move the volume back into the original I/O group:
     movevdisk -iogrp  IOGRP3 -node 7 DB_Volume

    where 7  is the name of the node that you want to move the volume, IOGRP3, is the name or ID of the I/O group that you want to migrate the volume to,  and DB_Volume is the name or ID of the volume that you want to migrate.

  2. Enter the following command to verify that the volumes are now online:
    lsvdisk -filtervalue IO_group_name=

    where IOGRPNAME/ID is the name or ID of the original I/O group.