Modifying Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or active-active consistency groups using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to assign a new name or modify the name of an existing Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or active-active consistency group.

To assign or modify the name of a Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or active-active consistency group, run the chrcconsistgrp command.

  1. Run the chrcconsistgrp command to assign a new name to the consistency group.
    For example, enter:
    chrcconsistgrp -name new_name_arg

    where new_name_arg is the assigned new name of the consistency group.

  2. Run the chrcconsistgrp command to change the name of the consistency group.
    For example, enter:
    chrcconsistgrp -name new_consist_group_nameprevious_consist_group_name

    where new_consist_group_name is the assigned new name of the consistency group and previous_consist_group_name is the previous name of the consistency group.

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