
Use the chmdisk command to modify the name or Easy Tier ® settings for a managed disk (MDisk).


chmdisk [ -namenew_name_arg ] [ -tier { ssd | enterprise | nearline } ] [ -easytierload { default | low | medium | high | very_high } ] [ -encrypt { yes | no } ] { mdisk_id | mdisk_name }


(Optional) Specifies the new name to be applied to the managed disk.
-tierssd | enterprise | nearline
(Optional) Specifies the new tier of the MDisk.
Specifies an SSD (or flash drive) hard disk drive or an external MDisk for the newly discovered or external volume.
Specifies an nearline hard disk drive or an external MDisk for the newly discovered or external volume.
Specifies an enterprise hard disk drive or an external MDisk for the newly discovered or external volume.
-easytierloaddefault | low | medium | high | very_high
(Optional) Specifies the Easy Tier load (amount) to place on a non-array MDisk within its tier.
If Easy Tier is either overusing or under-utilizing a particular MDisk, modify the easy_tier_load value to change the load size.
Note: Specifying default returns the performance capability to the value used by the system. Specify very_high only if the MDisk tier is ssd.
-encryptyes | no
(Optional) Specifies whether the MDisk is encrypted using its own encryption resources. The values are yes or no.
Important: If you use SAN Volume Controller in front of an encrypted Lenovo Storage V7000 system you should upgrade Lenovo Storage V7000 before applying encryption to your Lenovo Storage V7000 system.
If you apply encryption to your system you must identify the encrypted MDisks before applying the encryption. If you specify chmdisk -encrypt the setting is permanent in SAN Volume Controller no matter what Lenovo Storage V7000 says.
mdisk_id | mdisk_name
(Required) Specifies the ID or name of the managed disk to modify.


This command modifies the attributes of a managed disk.

Do not use the -encrypt parameter if one of the MDisk group's has an encryption key, parent pool, and child pools. Use chmdisk for existing self-encrypting MDisks before starting any migration. If an MDisk is self-encrypting, the encrypted property defaults to what is reported.

An invocation example

chmdisk -tier ssd mdisk13 

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example

chmdisk -tier nearline mdisk0

The resulting output:

MDisk Group, id [13], successfully created

An invocation example

chmdisk -easytierload high mdisk0

The resulting output:

MDisk Group, id [13], successfully created

An invocation example

chmdisk -name my_first_mdisk -encrypt yes 0

The resulting output:

MDisk Group, id [0], successfully changed