You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships between two clusters.
To create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships, complete following steps.
mkfcpartnership -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidthremote_cluster_id
where bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations, and remote_cluster_id is the ID of the remote cluster. For IP connections, enter:
mkippartnership -type ip_address_type -clusterip remote_cluster_ip_address -chapsecret chap_secret -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidth
where ip_address_type specifies the IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, remote_cluster_ip_address specifies the IP address of the remote cluster, chap_secret specifies the CHAP secret of the remote cluster (this is optional), bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, and percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations (this is optional).
mkfcpartnership -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidthlocal_cluster_id
where bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations, and remote_cluster_id is the ID of the local cluster.
mkippartnership -type ip_address_type -clusterip local_cluster_ip_address -chapsecret chap_secret -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidth
where ip_address_type specifies the IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, remote_cluster_ip_address specifies the IP address of the local cluster, chap_secret specifies the CHAP secret of the local cluster (this is optional), bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, and percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations (this is optional).