Use the lsrcrelationship command to return a concise list or a detailed view of remote copy relationships such as Metro Mirror, Global Mirror or active-active relationships visible to the system.
lsrcrelationship -filtervalue "name=md*"
For more information about filtering attributes, see Attributes of the -filtervalue parameters.
This command returns a concise list or a detailed view of remote copy relationships such as Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or active-active relationships visible to the system.
Attribute | Value |
primary | n/a, master, aux |
state | consistent_copying, inconsistent_stopped, inconsistent_copying, consistent_stopped, consistent_synchronized, idling, idling_disconnected, inconsistent_disconnected, consistent_disconnected |
progress | Integer between 0 and 100, n/a |
cycle_period_seconds | The minimum period in seconds between multiple cycles (integer between 60 and 86400; default is 300). |
cycling_mode | The type of
Global Mirror, Metro Mirroring, or active-active cycling
to use. The choices are:
copy_type | The copy type:
freeze time | The time in YY/MM/DD/HH/MM format |
status | The values are:
sync | n/a, in_sync, out_of_sync |
master_change_vdisk_id | The id of the volume acting as the master change
volume for the relationship (blank if not defined) Note: This field
identifies the change volume for the master volume if configured.
For an intercluster relationship, if the master volume is in the other
clustered system (system), the master change volume is also in the
other system.
master_change_vdisk_name | The name of the volume acting as the master
change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined) Note: This
field identifies the change volume for the master volume if configured.
For an intersystem relationship, if the master volume is in the other
clustered system (system), the master change volume is also in the
other system.
aux_change_vdisk_id | The id of the volume acting as the auxiliary
change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined) Note: This
field identifies the change volume for the auxiliary volume, if such
a volume has been configured. For an intersystem relationship, if
the auxiliary volume is in the other system, the auxiliary change
volume is also in the other system.
aux_change_vdisk_name | The name of the volume acting as the auxiliary
change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined) Note: This
field identifies the change volume for the auxiliary volume if configured.
For an intersystem relationship, if the auxiliary volume is in the
other system, the auxiliary change volume is also in the other system.
bg_copy_priority | Unused. |
The sync attribute has a value of in_sync when the contents are synchronized (identical) between volumes. If write operations take place on either the primary or secondary volume after a consistent (stopped) or idling state occurs, they will no longer be synchronized.
lsrcrelationship -delim : -filtervalue name=j*
The concise and detailed resulting output:
id:name:master_cluster_id:master_cluster_name:master_vdisk_id:master_vdisk_name: aux_cluster_id:aux_cluster_name:aux_vdisk_id: aux_vdisk_name:primary:consistency_group_id:consistency_group_name:state:bg_copy _priority:progress:copy_type:cycling_mode:freeze_time 45:jrel_AB1:0000020061413ABA:clusterA:45:jdisk_B8:0000020060406746:clusterB:38:j disk_B1:master:::consistent_stopped:50:metro:none:06/06/27/08/31/37 48:jrel_AB2:0000020061413ABA:clusterA:48:jdisk_A4:0000020060406746:clusterB:41:j disk_B4:master:::consistent_synchronized:50:metro:none:06/06/27/09/31/37 49:jrel_BA_1:0000020060406746:clusterB:42:jdisk_B5:0000020061413ABA:clusterA:49:j disk_A5:master:248:jdemo_BA_cons1:consistent_stopped:50:metro:none:06/06/27/10/31/37 50:jrel_BA_2:0000020060406746:clusterB:43:jdisk_B6:0000020061413ABA:clusterA: 50:jdisk_A6:master:248:jdemo_BA_cons1:consistent_stopped:50:metro:none:06/06/27/11/31/37
lsrcrelationship -delim : AB_2
The detailed resulting output:
id:9 name:AB_2 master_cluster_id:0000020061413MOE master_cluster_name:chelseaB master_vdisk_id:9 master_vdisk_name:stripe9 aux_cluster_id:0000020061413MOE aux_cluster_name:chelseaB aux_vdisk_id:10 aux_vdisk_name:stripe9_b copy_type:activeactivecycle_period_seconds:300 cycling_mode:multi primary:master consistency_group_id: consistency_group_name: state:consistent_synchronized bg_copy_priority:50 progress: freeze_time:2006/05/05/08/26/46 status:online sync:in_sync