Use the lsenclosure command to view a summary of the enclosures.
Attribute | Description |
id | Indicates the ID of the enclosure. |
status | Indicates if an enclosure is visible to the
SAS network:
type | Indicates the type of enclosure:
managed | Indicates if the enclosure is managed:
IO_group_id | Indicates the I/O group the enclosure belongs to; blank if canisters are connected to two different I/O groups. |
IO_group_name | Indicates the I/O group the enclosure belongs to; blank if canisters are connected to two different I/O groups. |
fault_LED | Indicates the status of the fault light-emitting
diode (LED) on the enclosure:
identify_LED | Indicates the state of the identify
error_sequence_number | Indicates the error log number of the highest priority error for this object. This is typically blank; however, if there is a problem (for example, the status has degraded), then it contains the sequence number of that error. |
product_MTM | Indicates the product machine type and model. |
serial_number | Indicates the serial number of the enclosure. This is the product serial number, which indicates the enclosure and its contents. The enclosure has its own serial number, which is embedded in the FRU_identity 11S data. |
FRU_part_number | Indicates the FRU part number of the enclosure. |
FRU_identity | Indicates the 11S serial number that combines the manufacturing part number and the serial number. |
total_canisters | Indicates the maximum number of canisters for this enclosure type. |
online_canisters | Indicates the number of canisters contained in this enclosure that are online. |
total_PSUs | Indicates the number of power and cooling units in this enclosure. |
online_PSUs | Indicates the number of power-supply units (PSUs) contained in this enclosure that are online. |
drive_slots | Indicates the number of drive slots in the enclosure. |
firmware_level_1 | Indicates the version of the microcode image (midplane firmware version) installed on the midplane. |
firmware_level_2 | Indicates the version of the midplane metadata (midplane vital product data, or VPD, version) installed on the midplane. |
machine_part_number | Blank. |
machine_signature | Indicates a machine signature unique to the control enclosure
and representing the serial number and machine part number. The format
is a hyphenated string of nineteen hexadecimal characters. Remember: Expansion enclosures do not have a machine signature.
ambient_temperature | Indicates the current ambient air temperature near the enclosure. The temperature value is given in degrees centigrade and is a number from -20 to 235. |
interface_speed | Indicates the SAS interface speed of the enclosure (in gigabits
per second, or Gbps). The values are:
total_fan_modules | Indicates the total number of fan modules contained within the enclosure. |
online_fan_modules | Indicates the number of online fan modules contained within the enclosure. |
lsenclosure -delim :
The resulting output:
id:status:type:managed:IO_group_id:IO_group_name:product_MTM:serial_number:total_canisters:online_canisters:total_PSUs:online_PSUs:drive_slots:machine_signature 1:degraded:expansion:no:0:io_grp0:2076-224:66G0083:2:2:2:2:24:0123-4567-89AB-CDEF
lsenclosure 1
The detailed resulting output:
id 1 status online type control managed no IO_group_id 0 IO_group_name io_grp0 fault_LED off identify_LED off error_sequence_number product_MTM 2076-112 serial_number 64G005S FRU_part_number 85Y5896 FRU_identity 11S85Y5962YHU9994G005S total_canisters 2 online_canisters 2 total_PSUs 2 online_PSUs 2 drive_slots 12 firmware_level_1 10 firmware_level_2 F6C07926 machine_part_number 2072L2Cmachine_signature 0123-4567-89AB-CDEFambient_temperature 30total_fan_modules:2 online_fan_modules:2interface_speed:6Gb