The maximum length of any single parameter entered into the command line is 2176 bytes.
Table 1 lists the data types and the value ranges for each.
Data types | Value ranges |
filename_arg | This is a (optionally fully qualified) file name, containing a maximum of 169 characters. Valid characters are:
directory_or_file_filter | Specifies a directory, file name filter, or both, within the specified directory. Valid directory values are:
The file name filter can be any valid file name, containing
a maximum of 128 characters, with or without the "*" (wildcard),
and appended to the end of a directory value. Valid characters are:
filename_prefix | The prefix of a file name, containing a maximum of 128 characters. Valid characters are:
name_arg | Names can be specified or changed using the create and modify functions. The
view commands provide both the name and ID of an object.
Note: The system name is set when the system is created.
The first character of a name_arg must be nonnumeric. The first character of an object name cannot be a – (dash) because the CLI (command-line interface) interprets it as being the next parameter. Valid characters are:
password | This is a user-defined password
containing a maximum of 15 characters. Valid characters are:
serial_number | The serial number is 7 digits, the first two of which define the manufacturing location, leaving 5 digits for the product. |
ip_address_arg | The argument follows the standard rules for dotted decimal notation. The following Internet
Protocol 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol 6 (IPv6) address formats are
dns_name | This is the dotted domain name for the system subnet). |
hostname | The host name assigned to the system. This name can be different from the system name, and is modifiable. A combination of the host name and the dns_name is used to access the system, for example: https://hostname. |
capacity_value | The capacity expressed within a range of 512 bytes to 2 petabytes (PB). Tip: Specify
the capacity as megabytes (MB), kilobytes (KB), gigabytes (GB), or
PB. When using MB, specify the value in multiples of 512 bytes. A
capacity of 0 is valid for a striped or sequential volume. The smallest
number of supported bytes is 512.
node_id | A node ID differs from other IDs in that it is a unique ID assigned when a node is used to create a system, or when a node is added to a system. A node_id value is never reused in a system. Node IDs are internally represented as 64-bit numbers, and like other IDs, cannot be modified by user commands. |
xxx_id | All objects are referred to by unique integer IDs, assigned by the system when the objects are created. All IDs are represented internally as 32-bit integers; node IDs are an exception. IDs in the following ranges identify the various types of objects:
Note: The io_group 4 exists but is used only in certain error
recovery procedures.
These IDs, like node IDs, cannot
be modified by user commands.
Note: IDs are assigned at run time by
the system and cannot be relied upon to be the same after; for example,
the configuration restoration. Use object names in preference to IDs
when working with objects.
xxx_list | A colon-delimited list of values of type xxx. |
wwpn_arg | The Fibre Channel worldwide port name (WWPN), expressed as a 64-bit hexadecimal
number and consisting of the characters 0–9, a–f, and A–F; for example:
1A2B30C67AFFE47B. Note: Entering WWPN 0 in the command string causes a command failure.
panel_name | This is a string of up to six characters corresponding to the number on the printed label below the display on the front panel of a node in the system. |
sequence_number | A 32-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal format. |
csi_num_arg | A 32-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal format. |
percentage_arg | An 8-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal 0–100 format. |
extent_arg | A 32-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal format. |
num_extents_arg | A 32-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal format. |
threads_arg | An 8-bit unsigned integer, expressed in decimal format. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, or 4. |
velocity_arg | The fabric speed in gigabytes per second (GBps). Valid values are 1 or 2. |
timezone_arg | The ID as detailed in the output of the lstimezones command. |
timeout_arg | The command timeout period. An integer from 0 to 600 (seconds). |
stats_time_arg | The frequency at which statistics are gathered. Valid values are 1 to 60 minutes in increments of 1 minute. |
directory_arg | Specifies a directory, file name filter,
or both, within the specified directory. Valid directory values are:
The file name filter can be any valid file
name, containing a maximum of 128 characters, with or without the
wildcard (*, an asterisk), and appended to the end of a directory
value. Valid characters are:
locale_arg | The system locale
setting. Valid values are:
key_arg | A user-defined identifier for a secure shell (SSH) key, containing a maximum of 30 characters. |
user_arg | Specifies the user: admin or service. |
copy_rate | A numeric value of 0–100. |
copy_type | Specifies the Mirror copy type: Metro or Global. |
The maximum number of values entered into a colon-separated list is 128; exceeding this maximum number returns an error.