
Use the cfgportip command to assign an Internet Protocol (IP) address to each node Ethernet port for Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) input/output (I/O).


For Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6):

cfgportip -node { node_name | node_id } { -ipipv4addr-masksubnet_mask-gwipv4gw | -ip_6ipv6addrprefix_6prefix-gw_6ipv6gw } [ -failover ] { [ -host { yes | no } ] | [ -host_6 { yes | no } ] } { [ -remotecopyremote_copy_port_group_id ] | [ -remotecopy_6remote_copy_port_group_id ] } { [ -vlan vlan_id_ip4 ] | [ -novlan ] } { [ -vlan_6 vlanid_ip6 ] | [ -novlan_6 ] } port_id

For maximum transmission unit (MTU):

cfgportip { -mtu { mtu } | -defaultmtu } [ -iogrp { io_grp_id | io_grp_name } ] port_id


-nodenode_name | node_id
(Required) Specifies which node has the Ethernet port that the IP address is being assigned to.
Note: This parameter is required for setting a port IP address. It cannot be used with the -mtu parameter.
(Required) Sets the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) address for the Ethernet port. You cannot use this parameter with the ip_6 parameter.
(Required) Sets the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address for the Ethernet port. You cannot use this parameter with the ip parameter.
(Required) Sets the IPv4 gateway IP address. You cannot use this parameter with the gw_6 parameter.
(Required) Sets the IPv6 default gateway address for the port. You cannot use this parameter with the gw parameter.
(Required) Sets the IPv4 subnet mask. You cannot use this parameter with the prefix_6 parameter.
(Required) Sets the IPv6 prefix. You cannot use this parameter with the mask parameter.
(Optional) Specifies that the IP address belongs to the partner node in the I/O group. If the partner node is not configured or offline, the address is configured and presented by this node. When another node comes online in the I/O group, the failover address is presented by that node.

If the partner node is online, do not use this option.

-mtu mtu | -defaultmtu
(Required) Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU). The default is 1500, with a maximum of 9000. An MTU of 9000 lets you to save CPU utilization for packets of 4 KB and over in size. The increased MTU provides you with improved Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) performance. Specify -defaultmtu to use the default value.
Note: This parameter:
  • Must be used when you are setting the clustered system (system) MTU This parameter
  • Cannot be used with the -node parameter
(Optional) Specifies the I/O group that contains the nodes to modify.
-hostyes | no
(Optional) Specifies the IPv4 address that is used for host attach (the existing system settings are retained). Specifying:
  • yes reports the IPv4 address to hosts during target discovery (default)
  • no turns off this report (IPv4 addresses are not reported during host discovery).
(Optional) Specifies the IPv4 address that is used for the remote copy function. Remote copy includes Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and HyperSwap®. It also specifies the ID for the associated port group. These IDs are numerical values (0, 1, or 2) that specify that IP addresses on a system can be part of a partnership for a login. To form a login, IP addresses must be in the same port group. The default is 0, which indicates that the port is not available for partnerships.
Important: To add or delete ports to or from a replication group, make sure the partnership that uses that port group is in a stopped state.
-host_6yes | no
(Optional) Specifies the IPv6 address that is used for host attach (the existing system settings are retained). Specifying:
  • yes reports the IPv6 address to hosts during target discovery (default).
  • no turns off this report (IPv6 addresses are not reported during host discovery).
Note: Turning off host attach settings for an IP address that is set to yes is disruptive because all host iSCSI sessions to that IP address are logged out.
(Optional) Specifies the IPv6 address that is used for the remote copy function. Remote copy includes Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and HyperSwap. It also specifies the ID for the associated port group. These IDs are numerical values (0, 1, or 2) that specify that IP addresses on a system can be part of a partnership for a login. To form a login, IP addresses must be in the same port group. The default is 0, which indicates that the port is not available for partnerships.
Important: To add or delete ports to or from a replication group, make sure the partnership that uses that port group is in a stopped state.
(Required) Specifies which port (1, 2, 3, or 4) to apply changes to. The default is 1.
Remember: All ports can be used as a dedicated management port for I/O operations.
(Optional) Sets the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID for a IPv4 address that is configured for iSCSI host attach or remote copy function. Remote copy includes Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and HyperSwap. The VLAN ID for an IPv4 type address can be specified only if the IP address for that port is set. VLAN tagging is disabled for any IP address, so a VLAN ID must be specified by using -vlan to turn on VLAN tagging.
Remember: Use -vlan with caution. You can:
  • Reset VLAN settings, which can disrupt port communication (connection) with hosts or systems (including resetting the VLAN ID for an active iSCSI or IP partnership)
  • Reset a VLAN value for a port that does not have VLAN tagging or does not have a configured IP address

The VLAN ID can be set for the failover port that uses the -failover attribute.

(Optional) Disables VLAN tagging for an IPv4 address for an Ethernet port (which means no VLAN tag is associated with that port).
Remember: Use -novlan with caution:
  • Resetting VLAN settings can disrupt port communication (connection) with hosts or systems, including resetting the VLAN ID for an active iSCSI or IP partnership.
  • You can reset a VLAN value for a port that does not have VLAN tagging or does not have a configured IP address.
(Optional) Sets the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID for a IPv4 address that is configured for iSCSI host attach or remote copy function. Remote copy includes Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and HyperSwap. The VLAN ID for an IPv6 type address can be specified only if the IP address for that port is set. VLAN tagging is disabled for any IP address, so a VLAN ID must be specified by using -vlan to turn on VLAN tagging.
Remember: Use -vlan with caution:
  • Resetting VLAN settings can disrupt port communication (connection) with hosts or systems, including resetting the VLAN ID for an active iSCSI or IP partnership.
  • You can reset a VLAN tag for a port that does not have VLAN tagging or does not have a configured IP address.

The VLAN ID can be set for the failover port by using the -failover attribute.

(Optional) Disables Virtual local area network (VLAN) tagging for an IPv6 address for an Ethernet port (which means no VLAN tag is associated with that port).
Remember: Use -novlan_6 with caution:
  • Resetting VLAN settings can disrupt port communication (connection) with hosts or systems, including resetting the VLAN ID for an active iSCSI or IP partnership.
  • You can reset a VLAN tag for a port that does not have VLAN tagging or does not have a configured IP address.


The cfgportip command either sets the IP address of an Ethernet port for iSCSI, or configures the MTU of a group of ports. This command assigns either an IPv4 or IPv6 address to a specified Ethernet port of a node. The IP address is used for iSCSI I/O. Use the chsystemip command to assign clustered system IP addresses.

Remember: When IP addresses are configured with the same remote replication port group ID (for redundancy) to each node of an I/O group, make sure that the same Ethernet port for both nodes is used during configuration. MTU is set by using symmetric Ethernet ports from the same I/O group. To make sure alternative remote replication port groups work with the same MTU settings, symmetric Ethernet ports must be configured for remote replication port groups.

For an IPv4 address, the ip, mask, and gw parameters are required. All of the IPv4 IP parameters must be specified to assign an IPv4 address to an Ethernet port.

For an IPv6 address, the ip_6, prefix_6, and gw_6 parameters are required. All of the IPv6 IP parameters must be specified to assign an IPv6 address to an Ethernet port.

Use the lsportip command with the optional ethernet_port_id parameter to list the port IP addresses for the specified port.


If cfgportip is used to modify the IP address that is associated with a specific Ethernet port without specifying a new VLAN ID, the new (modified) IP address inherits the existing VLAN ID setting of the earlier IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

An invocation example for IPv4

cfgportip -node 1  -ip -gw -mask 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example for IPv6

cfgportip -node 1  -ip_6 3:3:0:4::0  -gw_6 ffe8::0  -prefix_6 64 2

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example to set an MTU of 1600 on port 1 in I/O group 0

cfgportip  –mtu 1600 -iogrp 0 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example to set the MTU to its default value

cfgportip  –defaultmtu -iogrp 0 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example configuring a new IPv4 address for IP-based replication

cfgportip -node 1 -ip -gw -mask –remotecopy 1 –host no -host_6 no 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example configuring a new IPv4 address for host attach

cfgportip -node 1 -ip -gw -mask –host yes 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example configuring replication for an existing IPv6 address

cfgportip -node 1 –remotecopy_6 2 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example configuring host attach for a new IPv6 address

cfgportip -node 1 –ip_6 2001:db8::1:0:0:1 –host_6 yes 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example configuring a new IPv4 address with VLAN ID 105

cfgportip -node 1 -ip -gw -mask –vlan 105 1

The resulting output:

No feedback

Configuring a new IPv6 address with VLAN ID 1063

cfgportip -node 1 -ip_6 2001:db8::1:0:0:101 -prefix_6 64 -gw_6 2001:db8::1:0:0:1 -vlan_6 1063 1

The resulting output:

No feedback