Each enclosure is provided power through two power supplies.
Either power supply unit can power the enclosure independently if
there is a loss of input power to the other power supply in the enclosure.
Therefore, plan to connect the power cords of the power supplies
on the left side of the enclosures (when viewed from the rear) to
one power source, and the power cords of the power supplies on the
right side of the enclosures to another power source.
Attention: The power cord is the main power disconnect. Ensure
that the socket outlets are located near the equipment and are easily
The locations of power supply units in Lenovo Storage® V7000 Gen2 enclosures are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The locations
of power supply units in Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen1 enclosures are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The power supply units in a control enclosure are
not interchangeable with the power supply units in an expansion enclosure.
Figure 1 shows the rear view of a
Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 control enclosure with the power supplies
2 at either
end of the enclosure.
Figure 1. Rear view of a Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 control enclosure with the power supplies
- 1 Node canisters
- 2 Power supply units: power supply 1 (left), power supply
2 (right)
Figure 2. Rear view of a Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 expansion enclosure
- 1 Expansion canisters
- 2 Power supply units
Figure 3. Rear view of a Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen1 control enclosure
- 1 Power supply unit 1 (left)
- 2 Power supply unit 2 (right)
Figure 4. Rear view of a Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen1 expansion enclosure
Power supply unit
1 (left) and power supply unit
2 (right), and LED detail as shown.