CMMVC8267E: The attempt to add the node into the cluster has failed because the node is in paced ccu mode and the cluster must be prepared for update using the same package as is currently installed on the paced ccu node.


The paced ccu update requires that the cluster be prepared for update first. The user is using paced ccu/manual update mode and they are trying to add a node into the cluster at the latest code level (they wish to ultimately end up at), however the code level of the node they are trying to add requires that the cluster is prepared for update before attempting the addnode command, or the cluster is already prepared but the cluster was prepared at a different code level from the version of software on the adding node.

User Response

The user must prepare the cluster for update with the same software version as the paced ccu node being added, therefore the user must either abort the update and re-prepare the cluster with the correct package, or the user must install the correct version of code on the node they want as a paced ccu so it matches the cluster version. Or if the user didn't prepare the cluster, then prepare the cluster with the same code as the paced ccu node.