Use the lsservicestatus command to display the status of a node.
Use this command to display the status of a node. This command provides all the information that can be obtained by using the front panel of a system node.
You can run this command on any node (even one that is not part of a system) to obtain the vital product data (VPD) and error status.
Attribute | Value |
panel_name | Indicates the front panel name, enclosure IDs, or canister IDs that identify the node. |
console_ip | Indicates an Internet Protocol (IP) Version 4 or 6
address. Note: This field might be blank if the node is not present in a
has_nas_key | Indicates the has_nas_key field value. The
values are yes or no. Note: This field might be
blank if the node is not present in a system.
fc_io_ports | Indicates the number of configured Fibre Channel (FC) input/output (I/O) ports on the node. The value is a number. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_id | Indicates the ID of the FC I/O port. The value is a number. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_WWPN | Indicates the Worldwide port name (WWPN) of the FC I/O port. The value is 16 hexadecimal characters (lowercase). This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_switch_WWPN | Indicates the WWPN of the fabric port name. The value is 16 hexadecimal characters (lowercase) or all zeros if never active. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_state | Indicates whether the port is working - active or inactive. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_FCF_MAC | Indicates the FCF MAC address for active Ethernet. The value is blank for inactive or broken Ethernet, or N/A for FC type. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_vlanid | Indicates the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID being used. The value is three hexadecimal digits for previously active or inactive Ethernet, blank for Ethernet that is never active, or N/A for FC type. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_type | Indicates the type of the platform port for the FC I/O port. This field is repeated for each management address. |
fc_io_port_type_port_id | Indicates the platform port type index of the platform port supplies the FC I/O port. Use both fc_io_port_type_port_id and fc_io_port_type to find the platform port. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_id | Indicates the ID of a clustered system. |
cluster_name | Indicates the name of a system. When you use this parameter, the detailed view of the specific system is displayed and any value that you specified by the -filtervalue parameter is ignored. If you do not specify the cluster_name parameter, the concise view of all systems that match the filtering requirements that are specified by the -filtervalue parameter are displayed. |
cluster_status | Indicates that the error code is the same as the one displayed on the front panel. |
cluster_ip_count | Indicates the maximum number of management addresses you can configure. |
cluster_ip_port | Indicates the system IP port. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_ip | Indicates the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) management IP address. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_gw | Indicates the IPv4 management IP gateway. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_mask | Indicates the IPv4 management IP mask. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_ip_6 | Indicates the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) management IP address. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_gw_6 | Indicates the IPv6 management IP gateway. This field is repeated for each management address. |
cluster_prefix_6 | Indicates the IPv6 management IP prefix. This field is repeated for each management address. |
node_id | Indicates the ID of the node that is being configured. The value is a number. |
node_name | Indicates the name of the node that is being configured. |
node_status | Indicates the node status. The values are:
config_node | Indicates whether it is a configuration node. The values are yes or no. |
hardware | Indicates the hardware type. |
service_IP_address | Indicates the IPv4 service address for the node. |
service_gateway | Indicates the IPv4 service gateway for the node. |
service_subnet_mask | Indicates the IPv4 service mask for the node. |
service_IP_address_6 | Indicates the IPv6 service address for the node. |
service_gateway_6 | Indicates the IPv6 service gateway for the node. |
service_prefix_6 | Indicates the IPv6 service prefix for the node. |
node_code_version | Indicates the version of system code for the node. |
node_code_build | Indicates the build string for code on the node. |
cluster_sw_build | Indicates the CSM build that the system is running. |
node_error_count | Indicates the number of node errors. |
node_error_data | Indicates the type of node errors. |
FC_port_count | Indicates the number of FC ports. This field is repeated for each management address. |
FC_port_id | Indicates the port ID. This field is repeated for each management address. |
port_status | Indicates the port status. This value must match the port on the front panel, enclosure, or canister. |
port_speed | Indicates the port speed. This value must match the port speed on the front panel, enclosure, or canister. |
port_WWPN | Indicates the worldwide port number of the port. |
SFP_type | Indicates the SFP type. The values are long-wave or short-wave. |
ethernet_port_count | Indicates the number of detected Ethernet ports. |
ethernet_port_id | Indicates the ID of an Ethernet port. |
port_status | Indicates the port status. The values are:
port_speed | Indicates the port speed. The values are:
MAC | Indicates a single MAC address. |
node_IP_address | Indicates the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) node address. |
node_gateway | Indicates the IPv4 gateway address. |
node_subnet_mask | Indicates the IPv4 subnet mask value. |
vnport_count | Indicates the number of VN ports that are created on top of each physical Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) port. |
vnport_id | Indicates the VN port ID. |
vnport_wwpn | Indicates the WWPN assigned to the VN port. |
vnport_FCF_mac | Indicates the MAC address for the FCF to which the VN port is connected. |
vnport_vlanid | Indicates the VLAN ID used by the VN port. The value is blank for FC ports. |
product_mtm | Indicates the machine type and model. |
product_serial | Indicates the node serial number. |
disk_WWNN_prefix | The most recently used WWNN prefix. |
node_WWNN | Indicates the last active WWNN stored in the node; blank if no system data. |
enclosure_WWNN_1 | Indicates the first canister WWNN from the enclosure VPD. |
enclosure_WWNN_2 | Indicates the second canister WWNN from the enclosure VPD. |
node_part_identity | Indicates the 11S string from the hardware VPD. |
node_FRU_part | Indicates the node field-replaceable unit (FRU) part number, if stored in node VPD |
enclosure_part_identity | Indicates the S11 data. |
PSU_count | Indicates the number of expected PSUs (two). |
PSU_id | Indicates the ID of the slot the PSU is in. The value is a number. |
PSU_status | Indicates the PSU status. The status is missing, failed, or active. |
time_to_charge | Indicates the estimated time (in minutes) needed for 50% of the battery to be charged. |
Battery_charging | Indicates the percentage of charge of the batteries. |
Battery_count | Indicates the number of expected batteries (two). |
Battery_id | Indicates the ID of the slot the battery is in. |
Battery_status | Indicates that the status is missing, failed, charging, or active. |
Battery_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery. |
Battery_part_identity | Indicates the 11S FRU identity of the battery (includes the serial number). |
Battery_fault_led | Indicates thee fault light-emitting diode (LED) status. |
Battery_charging_status | Indicates the battery charge status. |
Battery_cycle_count | Indicates the number of charge or discharge cycles that are performed by the battery. |
Battery_powered_on_hours | Indicates the number of hours the battery is in a powered node. |
Battery_last_recondition | Indicates the system time stamp of the last successful gas gauge calibration. |
Battery_midplane_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery midplane |
Battery_midplane_part_identity | Indicates the 11S FRU identity of the battery midplane (which includes the serial number). |
Battery_midplane_FW_version | Indicates the firmware version that is running on the battery midplane. |
Battery_power_cable_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery power cable. |
Battery_power_sense_cable_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery midplane power sense cable. |
Battery_comms_cable_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery midplane communication cable. |
Battery_EPOW_cable_FRU_part | Indicates the FRU part number of the battery midplane EPOW cable. |
node_location_copy | Indicates the node location copy status. This value is equivalent to the panel name and is blank if a node is removed from a system. |
node_product_mtm_copy | Indicates the node product machine type copy status. This value is equivalent to panel product_mtm; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
node_product_serial_copy | Indicates the node product serial copy status. This value is equivalent to product_serial; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
node_WWNN_1_copy | Indicates the node WWNN first copy status. This value is equivalent to enclosure_WWNN_1; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
node_WWNN_2_copy | Indicates the node WWNN second copy status. This value is equivalent to enclosure_WWNN_2; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
latest_cluster_id | Indicates the system ID running on the current enclosure; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
next_cluster_id | Indicates the system ID running on the current enclosure; blank if a node is removed from a system. |
techport | Indicates the technician port (for emergency node
sainfo lsservicestatus
The resulting output:
panel_name 150434 cluster_id 000002006ee1445e cluster_name Cluster_192.168.8.241 cluster_status Active cluster_ip_count 2 cluster_port 1 cluster_ip cluster_gw cluster_mask cluster_ip_6 cluster_gw_6 cluster_prefix_6 cluster_port 2 cluster_ip cluster_gw cluster_mask cluster_ip_6 cluster_gw_6 cluster_prefix_6 node_id 1 node_name node1 node_status Active config_node Yes service_IP_address service_gateway service_subnet_mask service_IP_address_6 service_gateway_6 service_prefix_6 service_IP_mode dhcpfallback node_code_version node_code_build 140.11.1711091017000 cluster_sw_build 140.11.1711091017000 node_error_count 0 fc_ports 4 port_id 1 port_status Active port_speed 8Gb port_WWPN 500507680140a22f SFP_type Short-wave port_id 2 port_status Active port_speed 8Gb port_WWPN 500507680130a22f SFP_type Short-wave port_id 3 port_status Active port_speed 8Gb port_WWPN 500507680110a22f SFP_type Short-wave port_id 4 port_status Active port_speed 8Gb port_WWPN 500507680120a22f SFP_type Short-wave ethernet_ports 4 ethernet_port_id 1 port_status Link Online port_speed 1Gb/s - Full MAC 00:21:5e:db:30:38 vnport_count 0 ethernet_port_id 2 port_status Not Configured port_speed MAC 00:21:5e:db:30:3a vnport_count 0 ethernet_port_id 3 port_status Not Configured port_speed 10Gb/s - Full MAC 00:00:c9:bc:6f:22 vnport_count 0 ethernet_port_id 4 port_status Not Configured port_speed 10Gb/s - Full MAC 00:00:c9:bc:6f:20 vnport_count 0product_mtm 2078-324 product_serial 75HAXYA time_to_charge 0 Battery_charging 0 Battery_count 2 Battery_id 1 Battery_status active Battery_FRU_part 12Z9876 Battery_part_identity 11S98Z1234YM11BG123456 Battery_fault_led OFF Battery_charging_Status charged Battery_cycle_count 5 Battery_powered_on_hours 12345 Battery_last_recondition 130629123456 Battery_id 2 Battery_status failed Battery_FRU_part 12Z9876 Battery_part_identity 11S98Z1234YM11BG234567 Battery_fault_led ON Battery_charging_Status charged Battery_cycle_count 5 Battery_power_on_hours 12345 Battery_last_recondition 130702123400 Battery_midplane_FRU_part 12Z9880 Battery_power_cable_FRU_part 12Z9881 Battery_power_sense_cable_FRU_part 12Z9882 Battery_comms_cable_FRU_part 12Z9883 Battery_EPOW_cable_FRU_part 12Z9884 dump_name 150434 node_WWNN 500507680100a22f disk_WWNN_suffix 0A22F panel_WWNN_suffix 0A22F UPS_serial_number UPS_status enclosure_WWNN_1 enclosure_WWNN_2 node_part_identity node_FRU_part enclosure_identity PSU_count PSU_id PSU_status PSU_id PSU_status node_location_copy node_product_mtm_copy node_product_serial_copy node_WWNN_1_copy node_WWNN_2_copy latest_cluster_id next_cluster_id console_IP has_nas_key no fc_io_ports 6 fc_io_port_id 1 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680140a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 200000051e630f9a fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC N/A fc_io_port_vlanid N/A fc_io_port_type FC fc_io_port_type_port_id 1 fc_io_port_id 2 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680130a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 200400051e630f9a fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC N/A fc_io_port_vlanid N/A fc_io_port_type FC fc_io_port_type_port_id 2 fc_io_port_id 3 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680110a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 200000051e7ded49 fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC N/A fc_io_port_vlanid N/A fc_io_port_type FC fc_io_port_type_port_id 3 fc_io_port_id 4 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680120a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 200400051e7ded49 fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC N/A fc_io_port_vlanid N/A fc_io_port_type FC fc_io_port_type_port_id 4 fc_io_port_id 5 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680150a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 2064000573cd6201 fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC 00:05:73:CD:62:00 fc_io_port_vlanid 100 fc_io_port_type Ethernet fc_io_port_type_port_id 3 fc_io_port_id 6 fc_io_port_WWPN 500507680160a22f fc_io_port_switch_WWPN 2064000573c8a701 fc_io_port_state Active fc_io_port_FCF_MAC 00:05:73:C8:A7:00 fc_io_port_vlanid 100 fc_io_port_type Ethernet fc_io_port_type_port_id 4 service_IP_mode service_IP_mode_6 machine_part_number 2072S2C node_machine_part_number_copy 2072L2C local_fc_port_mask:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001101 partner_fc_port_mask:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011 password_reset_enabled yesidentify_LED off product_name Compustrong techport on