Use the chldap command to change system-wide Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration. This command can be used to configure remote authentication
with LDAP. These settings apply when authenticating against any of the LDAP servers configured
using the mkldapserver command.
chldap { [ -type [ { ad | itds | other } ] ] | -reset } [ -usernameusername { [ { -password [password] | -encpassword [password] } ] } ] [ -security { tls | ssl | none } ] [ -userattributeuser_attribute ] [ -groupattributegroup_attribute ] [ -auditlogattributeauditlogattribute ] [ -nestedgroupsearch { client | server | off } ]
- -type ad
|itds|other |
- (Optional) Specify the LDAP server type, or reset LDAP configuration to defaults for the
current server type. Defaults for the configured server type:
- Active Directory (AD)
- IBM Security Directory Server (ISDS)
- Other
- -usernameusername
- (Optional) Specifies a username for administrative binding. This can be:
Note: - A distinguished name (DN)
- A user principal name (UPN) or NT login name for Active Directory
- -passwordpassword
- (Optional) Specifies the password for the administrative binding. You can optionally
specify the password with this parameter. If you do not specify the password, the system
prompts you for it before running the command and does not display the password that you
- -encpasswordpassword
- (Optional) Specifies the password for the enclosure. You can optionally specify the
password with this parameter. If you do not specify the password, the system prompts you for
it before running the command and does not display the password that you type.
- -securitytls | ssl | none
- (Optional) Specifies the type of security to use when communicating with LDAP servers. Specifying tls enables Transport Layer Security (TLS)
security. Specifying ssl enables Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security. The
default value is none.
- -userattributeuser_attribute
- (Optional) Specifies the LDAP attribute used to determine the user name of remote users.
The user attribute must exist in your LDAP schema and must be unique for each of your
- -groupattributegroup_attribute
- (Optional) Specifies the LDAP attribute used to determine the group memberships of remote
users. The attribute must contain either the DN of a group or a colon-separated list of group
- -auditlogattributeauditlogattribute
- (Optional) Specifies the LDAP attribute used to determine the identity of remote users.
When a user performs an audited action, this information is recorded in the audit.
- -authcacheminutesauth_cache_minutes
- (Optional) Specifies the period for which to cache authentication details.
- -nestedgroupsearchclient | server | off
- (Optional) Specifies whether nested groups are evaluated on the client (clustered system),
server (authentication service), or are not evaluated not at all.
At least one
parameter must be specified.
The chldap command can be run whether or
not LDAP authentication is enabled. Specifying -reset or
-type populates the default values unless otherwise specified.
You can
only specify -password or -encpassword if
-username is specified.
The -type parameter values
are only set to defaults for the specified type if the type is different from the existing type.
If the type is itds, -nestedgroupsearch cannot be
executed (nested groups are evaluated by default). If the type is ad,
-nestedgroupsearch can only be set to client or
off because there is no server support. If the type is
other, the -nestedgroupsearch parameter is fully
Use -username to specify a distinguished name (DN), user
principal name (UPN), or NT login name. Distinguished names (DN) must be a sequence of
attribute=value pairs separated by a comma (,), semi-colon(;),
or plus sign (+). A backslash (\,) must be used to escape
special characters, and can also be used to specify UTF-8 characters using their byte encoding.
For example, c acute can be represented as \C4\87. NT logins
are valid for only the Active Directory and must be in the DOMAIN\user format.
These logins must not start or end with a period (.) and both the DOMAIN and
the user must not use the following characters: \/:?"<>| UPN logins are
valid for Active Directory only and must be in the format user@suffix. Both user and suffix can
not use spaces or the following characters: ()<>,;:\"[]@
Tip: - Remember that -userattribute, -groupattribute, and
-auditlogattribute accept values that:
- Must begin with a letter
- Only contain ASCII letters, digit characters, and hyphens
- Are case-insensitive
The following LDAP (first-time) configuration suggestions assist with LDAP
server setup:
Important: - Ensure that the system is configured appropriately according to your LDAP schema. Issue
chldap-type to populate the system's LDAP configuration with the server type
defaults. Issue chldap -reset to return to these defaults at any time.
- (Advanced) For all server types, users are authenticated with a username configured in
the LDAP attribute user_attribute. This attribute must exist in the LDAP
schema and must be unique for each user. It is configurable by issuing chldap
-userattribute. Active Directory users can also authenticate using their UPN or
NT login names.
- (Advanced) Authenticated users are assigned roles according to their LDAP group
memberships. Each user's group memberships must be stored in the LDAP attribute
group_attribute. This can be either an LDAP attribute containing the DN
of the user's LDAP group, or an LDAP attribute containing a colon-separated list of user
group names. It is configurable by issuing chldap -groupattribute.
- (Advanced) When an LDAP authenticated user runs a command that is audited, the user's
login name is placed in the audit log. The name is extracted from the LDAP attribute
audit_log_attribute, which is configurable by issuing chldap
- Ensure that the system is able to search within the user and group trees on LDAP servers.
By default the system authenticates anonymously. Consequently, you must either permit
anonymous searches of the LDAP directory, or create an LDAP user with the appropriate
permissions and issue the chldap -username and chldap
-password commands to instruct the system to search as this user.
- Ensure that the system is able to connect with the appropriate level of security.
Passwords are sent to the LDAP server as clear text, so Transport Layer Security (TLS)
encryption is recommended. Issue chldap -security to change the security
- (Advanced): On Active Directory and some other LDAP servers, the system (by default)
identifies groups to which users belong directly. To assign users permissions according to a
parent group, enable the nested group search on the client by issuing chldap
-nestedgroupsearch. This setting has an additional performance overhead and
supports up to 8 levels of nesting.
An invocation
chldap -type
itds -username uid=joebloggs,cn=admins,dc=company,dc=com -password passw0rd
-auditlogattribute descriptiveName
resulting output:
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