CMMVC8667E: The command failed because a specified host port has more than four logins on a node.


At least one host port (WWPN or IQN) has more than four logins to the same node. The network or SAN might not be zoned correctly. The system supports up to four logins per node from the same host port.

User Response

Complete the following steps. If at any point you need more assistance, contact your service support representative.

  1. Create a list of the problem hosts, WWPNs, and nodes.
    1. Run the svcinfo lsfabric -host command and parse the output into a human-readable format.
    2. Sort by WWPN, then by node.
    3. For any WWPN and node combination that shows more than four logins, complete the following steps:
      1. Get the host port mask from the mask field of the lshost detailed view.
      2. Ignore any row where the local_port field does not match the appropriate bit in the host port mask.
      3. Make a note of any hosts that still show more than four logins after the host port mask is applied.
  2. Fix the issue either by changing the zoning or by changing the host port mask.