You can set up authentication for normal sessions for
Microsoft Windows hosts at the same time that you are connecting to
a target or volume. The CHAP authentication information is on the
same Advanced Settings panel.
To set up one-way authentication for a Windows host, complete
the following steps:
Tasks on the Windows host:
- Go to the Control Panel.
- From the Control Panel, select the iSCSI Initiator option.
- From the iSCSI Initiator Properties panel, click the Targets tab.
- After you click the Targets tab,
click Log On... under the Targets section to see the Log On to Target panel.
Note: For Windows Server 2012, highlight your target, select Connect, and then select Advanced from the pop-up screen.
- Click Advanced... to see the Advanced Settings panel.
- Select CHAP logon information.
- Type in a value for the User name. The user name must be the same value that
you set with the chhost CLI command (iscsiusername field) for this host.
- Type in a value for the Target secret. The target secret can be a value up to 12 characters. This
value is the same value that you set with the chhost command on the system for this host.
- Click OK.
Tasks in the management GUI:
Note: For CLI directions, see the information about configuring
system iSCSI authentication by using the CLI.
- Select .
- Right-click the host to configure CHAP authentication and
select Properties.
- On the Properties page, ensure that Show Details is selected and click Edit.
- In the iSCSI CHAP secret field,
enter the CHAP secret that you use for the host.
- In the iSCSI username field, enter the host user name that you use for the host.
- Click Save.