Updating ODM stanzas for system iSCSI devices

Updating the Object Data Manager (ODM) stanzas for the system iSCSI devices requires that you follow certain guidelines.

An interim fix is available to update the AIX ODM stanzas to recognize iSCSI system volumes.

Ensure that you have installed the official PTFs. The following website provides information about the available PTFs:


When you install the interim fix package, the AIX host can recognize iSCSI system volumes. The system volumes are shown with the following attributes in lsdev -C -1 hdisk1 for lsdev -C -1 hdisk1.

Figure 1. lsdev -C -1 hdisk1
lsdev -C -l hdisk1

hdisk1     Available              IBM 2145 iSCSI Disk Drive

# lsattr -E -l hdisk1
clr_q          no                           Device CLEARS its Queue on error True
host_addr                  Hostname or IP Address           False
location                                    Location Label                   True
lun_id         0x0                          Logical Unit Number ID           False
max_transfer   0x40000                      Maximum TRANSFER Size            True
port_num       0xcbc                        PORT Number                      False
pvid           none                         Physical volume identifier       False
q_err          yes                          Use QERR bit                     True
q_type         simple                       Queuing TYPE                     True
queue_depth    8                            Queue DEPTH                      True
reassign_to    120                          REASSIGN time out value          True
reserve_policy no_reserve                   Reserve Policy                   True
rw_timeout     60                           READ/WRITE time out value        True
start_timeout  60                           START unit time out value        True
target_name    iqn.1986-03.com.ibm:2145.china6.hlcn111890   Target NAME      False
unique_id      352136005076801910296880000000000000204214503IBMiscsi Unique device
identifier      False

lscfg -v -l hdisk1

  hdisk1             IBM 2145 iSCSI Disk Drive

        Machine Type and Model......2145
        ROS Level and ID............30303030
        Serial Number...............
        Device Specific.(Z0)........0000043268101002
        Device Specific.(Z1)........
        Device Specific.(Z2)........
        Device Specific.(Z3)........

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