Advanced functions for HDS USP and NSC

Some advanced functions of the HDS USP and NSC are not supported by the system.

Advanced system functions

The following advanced system functions for HDS USP and NSC are not supported for disks that are managed by the system:
  • TrueCopy
  • ShadowImage
  • Extended Copy Manager
  • Extended Remote Copy
  • NanoCopy
  • Data migration
  • RapidXchange
  • Multiplatform Backup Restore
  • Priority Access
  • HARBOR File-Level Backup/Restore
  • HARBOR File Transfer
  • FlashAccess

Advanced system functions

All advanced functions are supported on logical units (LUs) that are exported by the HDS USP or NSC system.

LU Expansion

The HDS USP and NSC support Logical Unit Expansion (LUSE). LUSE is not a concurrent operation. You can use LUSE to create a single LU by concatenating logical devices (LDEVs). Before LUSE can be completed, the LDEVs must be unmounted from hosts and paths must be removed.

  1. LUSE destroys all data that exists on the LDEV.
  2. Do not complete LUSE on any LDEV that is used to export an LU to the system.

If data exists on an LDEV and you want to use image mode migration to import the data to the system, do not complete LUSE on the disk before you import the data.

LUs that are created by using LUSE can be exported to the system.

Virtual LVI/LUNs

The HDS USP and NSC support Virtual LVI/LUNs (VLL). VLL is not a concurrent operation. You can use VLL to create several LUs from a single LDEV. You can create only new LUs from free space on the LDEV.

Attention: Do not complete VLL on disks that are managed by the system.

LUs that are created by using VLL can be exported to the system.

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