You need to complete several tasks to configure
the system to work with iSCSI-attached hosts. The tasks include general
tasks on the host system before you configure a system.
Before you complete any iSCSI-configuration tasks
on the system, it is important that you complete all the iSCSI-related
configuration on the host machine. Because the system supports various
host machines, consult the documentation for specific instructions
and requirements for a particular host. For a list of supported hosts,
see this website:
To configure a system for iSCSI, follow these
general tasks on the host system:
- Select a software-based iSCSI initiator, such as MicrosoftWindows
iSCSI Software Initiator and verify the iSCSI driver installation.
- If required, install and configure a multipathing
driver for the host system.
In addition, determine a naming convention for
iSCSI names, such as iSCSI qualified names (IQNs) for your system.
Hosts use iSCSI names to connect to the node. Each node, for example,
has a unique IQN, and the system name and node name are used as part
of that IQN. Each node, for example, has a unique IQN, and the system
name and node name are used as part of that IQN.
Port IP addresses are the IP addresses that are used by iSCSI-attached hosts to process I/O. Host port group IDs are automatically assigned to the port.
port grouping groups the ports that have the same maximum possible port speed and ensures that no
more than four ports are discovered by a host.
- To configure a new port IP address to a specified Ethernet
port of a node with an IPv4 address, enter the following command-line
interface (CLI) command:
cfgportip -node -ip ipv4addr
-gw ipv4gw -mask subnet_mask -failover -vlan vlan_idport_id
where node_name
| node_id specifies the name or ID of the node that is being
configured, ipv4addr is the IPv4 address for the
Ethernet port, ipv4gw is the IPv4 gateway IP address, subnet_mask is
the IPv4 subnet mask, and port_id specifies the
Ethernet port ID (1 or 2). To view a list of ports, use the lsportip command.
The optional -failover parameter specifies that the IP is a failover IP and
is related to the partner node. If the node that is specified is the only online node in the I/O
group, the address is configured and presented by this node. When another node in the I/O group
comes online, the failover address is presented by that node. If two nodes in the I/O group are
online when the command is entered, the address is presented by the other node to the partner
The optional -vlan parameter sets the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID
for an IPv4 address that is configured for iSCSI host attachment.
For more information about the -vlan parameter, see the information about
configuring VLAN for iSCSI using the CLI.
- To configure a new port IP address to a specified Ethernet port of a node with an IPv6 address,
enter the following CLI command:
cfgportip -node node_name | node_id -ip_6 ipv6addr
-gw_6 ipv6gw -prefix_6 prefix -failover -vlan_6 vlan_idport_id
where node_name | node_id specifies the name or ID of the node that is being
configured, ipv6addr is the IPv6 address for the Ethernet port,
ipv6gw is the IPv6 gateway IP address, subnet_mask is the IPv6
subnet mask, and port_id specifies the Ethernet port ID (1 or 2). To view a list
of ports, use the lsportip command.
The optional -failover parameter specifies that the IP is a failover IP that
is related to the partner node. If the node that is specified is the only online node in the I/O
group, the address is configured and presented by this node. When another node in the I/O group
comes online, the failover address is presented by that node. If two nodes in the I/O group are
online when the command is entered, the address is presented by the other node to the node that is
The optional -vlan_6 parameter sets the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID
for an IPv6 address that is configured for iSCSI host attachment.
For more information about the -vlan parameter, see the information about
configuring VLAN for iSCSI using the CLI.
- After IP configuration, host_port_group_ids are automatically assigned to the iSCSI ports and
consist of the following criteria:
- A host_port_group_id is an automatic grouping of ports that is designated by an integer. Host
port group IDs are unique across I/O groups.
- Each host port group ID contains a maximum of four ports.
- All ports within a host port group ID have identical speeds
- Identical host port group IDs are assigned to the failover port. If a host_port_group_id is
already assigned to a failover port, the same host_port_group_id will be assigned to a local
- Enabling -host flag to yes assigns the host_port_group_id. If on a
port with host flag no , host flag is set to yes, this results in assignment of a host_port_group_id to a port.
- To remove an iSCSI IP address from a node Ethernet port, enter
either of these CLI commands.
The following command deletes an IPv4 configuration for the specified iSCSI Ethernet
rmportip -failover
-node node_name | node_idport_id
node_name | node_id specifies the name or ID of the node with the Ethernet port
that the IP address is being removed from and port_id specifies the Ethernet port
ID. To list the valid values for the Ethernet port, enter the lsportip command.
The optional -failover parameter indicates that the specified data is failover
The following command deletes an IPv6 configuration for the
specified iSCSI Ethernet
rmportip -ip_6 -failover
-node node_name | node_idport_id
where -ip_6 indicates that this command removes an IPv6
configuration, node_name | node_id specifies the name or ID of the node with the
Ethernet port that the IP address is being removed from, and port_id specifies
the Ethernet port ID. To list the valid values for the Ethernet port, enter the
lsportip command. The optional -failover parameter indicates
that the specified data is failover data.
- To display the host port group ID in addition to other parameters for each iSCSI port, enter
the lsportip command. Entering this command displays a detailed view of the
specified port:
lsportip Ethernet_port_id
Ethernet_port_id is the specified port. The parameter
host_port_grp_id displays the value of the host port group ID.
- After all the IP addresses of the ports are removed, the host port group ID that is associated
with a port is removed. The host port group ID is also removed when the -host
flag is set to no from yes on the port.
After you configure your IP addresses, you can optionally create or configure
several iSCSI items.