Use the chsystemip command to modify
the Internet Protocol (IP) configuration parameters for the clustered
system (system).
chsystemip [ -clusterip ipv4addr ] [ -gw ipv4addr ] [ -mask subnet_mask ] [ -clusterip_6 ipv6addr ] [ -gw_6 ipv6addr ] [ -prefix_6 prefix ] -port system_port
chsystemip [ -noip ] [ -noip_6 ] [ -port system_port ]
- -clusteripipv4addr
- (Optional) Changes the IPv4 system IP address. When you specify a new IP address for a system,
the existing communication with the system is broken.
Important: The
-clusterip parameter cannot be used if there are any active IPv4 partnerships
with the system.
- -gwipv4addr
- (Optional) Changes the IPv4 default gateway IP address of the
- -masksubnet_mask
- (Optional) Changes the IPv4 subnet mask of the system.
- -noip
- (Optional) Unconfigures the IPv4 stack on the specified port,
or both ports if none is specified.
Note: This parameter
does not affect node service address configurations.
- -clusterip_6ipv6addr
- (Optional) Sets the IPv6 system address for the port.
Important: The -clusterip_6 parameter cannot be used if there are any active IPv6
partnerships with the system.
- -gw_6ipv6addr
- (Optional) Sets the IPv6 default gateway address for the port.
- -prefix_6prefix
- (Optional) Sets the IPv6 prefix.
- -noip_6
- (Optional) Unconfigures the IPv6 stack on the specified port,
or both ports if none is specified.
Note: This parameter
does not affect node service address configurations.
- -port system_port
- (Required) Specifies which port (1 or 2) to apply changes to.
This parameter is required unless the noip or noip_6
parameter is used.
command modifies IP configuration parameters for the system. The first
time you configure a second port, all IP information is required.
Port 1 on the system must always have one
stack fully configured.
There are two active system ports on
the configuration node. There are also two active service ports on
any node in which you are performing a service action.
If the
system IP address is changed, the open command-line shell closes during
the processing of the command. You must reconnect to the new IP address
if connected through that port.
If there is no port 2 available on any of the system nodes, the chsystemip
command fails.
noip and
noip_6 parameters
can be specified together only if the
port is
also specified. The
noip and
noip_6 parameters
cannot be specified with any parameters other than
Note: The noip and noip_6 parameters
do not affect node service address configurations.
Port 1 must
have an IPv4 or IPv6 system address. The configuration of port 2 is
Service IP addresses for all ports and
stacks are initialized to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
A service IP address is always configured.
Note: If the console_ip is the same as IP address system port 1, Internet Protocol
Version 4 (IPv4) followed by IPv6, change the console_ip when the system IP is
changed. If the console_ip differs from the system port 1 IP address, do not change
the console_ip when the system IP is changed.
To modify an IP address, list the IP address of the system by issuing the
lssystem command. Modify the IP address by issuing the
chsystemip command. You can either specify a static IP address or have the system
assign a dynamic IP address.
IP address list formats provides IP address formats
that are supported.
Table 1. IP address list
formatsIP type |
IP address list format |
IPv4 | |
Full IPv6 |
1234:1234:abcd:0123:0000:0000:7689:6576 |
Full IPv6, leading zeros suppressed |
1234:1234:abcd:123:0:0:7689:6576 |
IPv6 with zero compression |
1234:1234:abcd:123::7689:6576 |
An invocation example
chsystemip -clusterip -gw -mask -port 1
resulting output:
No feedback
An invocation example
chsystemip -clusterip_6 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 -gw_6 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 -prefix_6 64 -port 2
resulting output:
No feedback