UNIX commands available in interactive SSH sessions

You can use several UNIX-based commands while working with interactive SSH sessions.

The system supports up to 32 interactive SSH sessions on the management IP address simultaneously.
Note: After one hour, a fixed SSH interactive session times out, which means the SSH session is automatically closed. This session timeout limit is not configurable.
You can use the following UNIX commands to manage interactive SSH sessions:
Table 1. UNIX commands for interactive SSH sessions.

UNIX commands for interactive SSH sessions

UNIX commands Description
grep Filters output by keywords or expressions.
more Moves through output one page at a time.
sed Filters output by complex expressions.
sort Sorts output according to criteria.
cut Removes individual columns from output.
head Displays only first lines.
less Moves through the output bidirectionally a page at a time. (secure mode)
tail Shows only the last lines.
uniq Hides any duplicate information.
tr Translate characters.
wc Counts lines and words and characters in data.

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