Locating the WWPN for an Oracle SPARC host

You can locate the worldwide port name (WWPN) for an Oracle SPARC host by following the steps in this topic.

  1. After you install the adapter and you restart the host system, view the /var/adm/messages file.
  2. Search for the line that contains the applicable phrase for your host bus adapter (HBA):
    1. For the JNI SBUS HBA, search for fcawx: Fibre Channel WWNN, where x is the adapter number (0, 1, and so on). You can find the WWPN on the same line immediately after the worldwide node name (WWNN).
    2. For the JNI PCI HBA, search for fca-pcix: Fibre Channel WWNN, where x is the adapter number (0, 1, and so on). You can find the WWPN on the same line as the WWNN.
    3. For the QLogic QLA2200F HBA, search for qla2200-hbax-adapter-port-name where x is the adapter number (0, 1, and so on).

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