
Use the rmvdiskaccess command to delete one or more I/O groups from the set of I/O groups in which a volume can be made accessible to hosts.


 rmvdiskaccess      -iogrp  {   iogrp_id_list  |  iogrp_name_list  }   {  vdisk_id  |  vdisk_name  }


-iogrpiogrp_id_list | iogrp_name_list
(Required) Specifies a list of I/O groups to remove from the I/O group access set of the volume.
vdisk_id | vdisk_name
(Required) Specifies the volume from which to remove access I/O groups.


The rmvdiskaccess command removes I/O groups from the volume access set. However, it cannot remove all I/O groups from the access set; a volume must have at least one I/O group in an access set. When an I/O group is removed from the access set, all host mappings created through that I/O group (for the volume) are deleted. Consequently, you cannot access the volume through any related I/O group nodes.
Remember: If an I/O group in the list is not in the access set, no error is generated, but no action is taken for that I/O group.

An invocation example to remove I/O groups 2 and 3 from the volume access set for volume ID 3

rmvdiskaccess -iogrp 2:3 3

The resulting output:

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